Fight with the House guard

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As I was escaping, I spotted the house guard who was a little far away from the restaurant.

  Fuck! What is his doing? Why isn't he at the restaurant?

I didn't slow down and ran as fast as I could so I could buy some time.

  But, much to my bad luck, I got caught by the house guard.

He isn't with the car, I have to hit him and run away quickly.

  As he approached me, I tried punching him in the face but he dodged it.

  He grabbed my hands and tried dragging me.

  But I refused to cooperate with him and struggled.

  House guard: don't struggle so much, otherwise I would have to hit you.

Yun: go ahead and hit me, you bastard!

He punched me in the waist. It pained me. I tried biting his hands, but he was punching me all over my body.

  He isn't breaking my bones but my body is aching too much. His punches hurt.

  I have a hard time breathing.

No, if I don't do something now, I will get caught by my 3rd brother. I will never be able to escape.

  I don't know what got over me but I threw a punch with all my strength.

A purple lightning was thrown from my hands and injured the house guard.

  I was shocked by this situation, and so was the house guard.

I was startled by my own punch but the house guard didn't back down from approaching me.

  I took this chance to run away from him. I ran with all my might.

  I ran and ran till I reached a mountain. I was surprised by my stamina. I could run all the way to the mountain without hitching any ride.

  What happened to my body? I was glad about my new found strength. I could protect myself from my brothers.

  I should go near a river and live anonymously till I find a solution to live away from my brothers.

-Back at the restaurant

3rd brother: did he ran away? Did he hurt you?

House guard: yes, sir. He ran away. I got hurt.

3rd brother: I was told by my first brother that he is special like you. How did he hurt you?

House guard: He indeed is special sir. He is an esper. He is much stronger than me.

3rd brother: I did guess he would be an esper but didn't expect him to be that strong. How would you grade him?

House guard: I would grade him to be 'A' but he could be 'S' too. He had purple lightning and he hurt me a lot more than I thought.

3rd brother: come here, let me give you some guidance.

House guard: thanks, sir. As instructed, I left a tiny bug on his hair. He wouldn't know about it.

3rd brother: good. We have to follow him and monitor him. We will get to him when he is exhausted.

House guard: yes, sir.

- back to Yun

I wandered around the place and found a river. There seems to be few camps set up.

  I saw some people moving around. I wonder what they were doing.

One of the girl saw me and approached me.

She asked me what I was doing here. I told her that I was lost.

  She warned me that this place is dangerous and a portal is going to be open soon. That this place will be crawled with monsters soon.

  She warned me to get away from this place quickly as it is dangerous for me.

  I was surprised by what the girl told. Monsters? Portals?

  It sounded ridiculous but I could release that purple lightning so it didn't seem that wrong.

  She warned me and told me to go away.

  I didn't dare to wander near that place and ran to the other side.

  What the hell happened in these 3 years? I seem to be so different.

Did the world change too? Are humans fighting supernatural monsters now?

  I decided to go to some village to figure out these things. I have to find some food to eat and people to talk.

  I have to know these things soon otherwise I could be killed.

  I went back to the mountain I came from. There were little homes below the mountain. I should ask children or some people.

==To be continued.

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