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Fortunately I escaped from my brother and house guard.

They will probably employ a few people to search for me but I have to escape to a safe place soon.

I came to the village that is below the mountains and approached a few children who were playing.

As soon as they saw me, they came running towards me.

They looked at me curiously while asking about the dress I wore. I was still in the staff uniform of that restaurant.

I told them that I am a worker who was looking for lodging temporarily as I had some emergency.

They nodded and said that there isn't any lodging near the mountain.

I acted disappointed but I asked if they had encountered any monsters near here.

I am sure there are monsters around but if it is not that common I can brush it off as a joke.

The children replied that they had encountered a few small monsters but they were taken care of by the espers.


I was little startled by that concept but they seem to be people who fight monsters.

Maybe I am an esper.

I tried doing that thing I did at the restaurant again.

By instinct, I created small purple lightning.

The children were shocked by my lightning.
They looked at me admirably saying that I was cool and have never seen an esper like me.

They basically confirmed what I was.

I told them I was hungry and would like a place to sleep for the day.

One of them offered me to take to their village chief and said I could get help.

I soon followed them to a home where an elderly person was sipping on a juice outside in the garden.

The children introduced me as an esper to the old man. He was excited and happy to see me.

He invited me inside his home as I bid bye to the children.

Old man: I am glad that I am housing an esper. I will heat up some side dishes and cook up some noodles for you.

Yun: thankyou, elder.

Old man: it's ok. With an esper nearby, we could sleep a night peacefully. Those damn monsters are increasing year by year.

Yun: I realised that I am an esper recently. I would like to know if there is an establishment where espers are gathered.

Old man: oh, is it? All the espers haven't come together. There is no establishment I know. You could try going to the next city where espers gather at the football stadium every Thursday.

Yun: is it? Thanks for the info.

Old man: anyways, here's the food.

Yun: thanks, elder.

Old man: no problem. After you eat, you can go to that room to sleep for the day.

Yun: thanks.

The old man went back to sip on the juice and eat food.

I ate my food and went back to the room he gave me.

I acted so realistically.

I hope I won't encounter monsters. I am not ready to fight them yet. Hope those people take care of whatever monsters are present.

But all this info about espers, portals and monsters is so new. I can't remain ignorant. I fear unknown.

Today is Wednesday, I need to leave for that city tomorrow and visit the fellow espers.

I want to ask for a phone but that would be too much suspicious. I slept for the day.

Early in the morning, I left before sun has raised.

I didn't hitch any ride or take any taxi.

I depended on my stamina and went to the next city by the walk.

It surprised me that I could do so. I asked the people nearby for the football stadium for the directions.

People told me after confirming I was an esper. I was told that it was not good for the normal people to go near a group of espers.

I entered the football stadium and they were three people gathered at different places.

They weren't sitting next to each other. I am not sure if they would help me gain information about espers.

==To be continued.

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