Chapter 26

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As she heads downstairs for breakfast, Harper can't stop running through the conversation with Misha. If she is being honest with herself, the rage that he expressed scares her. Of course she knows he can have a temper. Just a few days ago he and Aeron nearly fought in the parking lot of a Christmas display, so she is not naive enough to think that he is incapable of violence. But to have it directed completely at her was a new and unsettling experience. For the first time in their relationship Harper feels that Misha is unsafe to be around.

Yet, part of her believes the dragon when he says he is not the one who messed around in her dreams. The anger and indignation felt too real to be faked. But it wasn't him, then who? And how were they able to make such a convincing copy of Misha that it even fooled Alistar?

Unless Alistar is the mastermind and crafted the scenario so that he could swoop in and save her from the illusion that he created. But why? What motivation would he have in making her think that Misha is manipulating her dreams?

But how much does she really know about Alistar? Harper feels like they've bonded more over recent days and that Aeron's brother no longer hates her. But is it real or just an act? True, he saved her from Dave and weird dream Misha and was ready to defend her against the dragon matriarch, but was that out of altruism or fear of retribution? Did he actually care for her or just how her health and well-being would affect his?

As she rounds the corner and catches sight of the younger demon standing by the table in the kitchen, Harper has one thought standing out in her mind: I want to trust you completely but I can't. Not yet.

Almost as if he heard her thoughts, Alistar turns his head in her direction. She holds back a shudder as they lock gazes. Normally he appears indifferent to her but now that she is paying closer attention, there is a predatory awareness in his eyes. Almost like he is watching and saving energy for the right moment to strike.

"Good morning, Miss Harper," Alistar says as she approaches the doorway. Maybe she is imagining it, but she swears there is a note of teasing in his voice. I do hope that you were able to rest well after last night's... incident."

Before she can respond, Kye shoots up out of his seat and rushed to her side. "Incident? What incident? No, no. Not you," he cuts off Harper by placing a hand over her mouth. "You'll just tell me some water-downed version of events and insist you are okay. I want one of the creepy bros to tell me."

"Be grateful that the courtship between your sister and myself entitles you to my patience and lienance," Aeron says as he tugs Harper away from her brother and hands her a mug of tea. "Most would be punished for such insolence. Regardless, " he continues, interrupting Kye before he could continue the argument. " as someone who also has a vested interest in Harper's welfare and share in my disdain for her former-suitor, you should be informed of last night's assault."


A cold, slimy feeling fills Harper's stomach as Lily slides through her torso to hover in front of Aeron. " There was an attack? Who do you think did it? Was it the people who put a bounty on her ? Or was it the letter guy? Oh, no, no!" Lily stops mid ramble as a horrified expression took over her face. "This is my fault. Oh, I'm so sorry, Harper. I thought I was doing something to help but I just put you in more danger. I -"

"Miss Lily," interrupts Aeron. " Although I am perturbed by the fact that you credit yourself with the danger that Harper braved last night, unless you devised a way for her prior suitor to invade her dreams, I hesitate to blame you for her assault.."

"No way." The whole room turns to look at the dragon standing by the stove staring at the group with his mouth gaped open. His cheeks flush red under the attention, and he pivots around and starts to dig through the cabinet. "Sorry. Family convo that doesn't include me. Ignore me. I'm just going to be over here making omelets if anyone wants one before going to work," Talon babbles as he sprays down the frying pan he pulled out and begins to pour in an egg mixture. "I mean, Misha never mentioned that he had that ability," he continues after a minute, a hint of sorrow slipping into his voice. Although he is addressing the group at the table, Talon's gaze remains locked onto the backsplash behind the stove. "But I guess there is a lot that Misha doesn't tell me."

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