Chapter 1: Unlikely Encounters and Hidden Connections

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Waking with a groan, I couldn’t believe my rotten luck. I had only just been able to get my hands on tickets to see my favourite Kpop boy group perform, and now what? I wake up sick the day of? I have no idea what I did to upset whichever deities are out there but to do this to me is just cruel.

My name is Lilly Jones and I have found a little bit of recognition as a webcomic creator. I am the author behind Idol Romance, a relatively popular comic about the difficulties of falling for an idol.

Just getting out of bed had me swaying from the dizziness, but unfortunately, being alone in Seoul meant I would need to get my own medication. First order of business, getting myself looking only half as horrible as I felt. While getting ready, I kept praying that any medicine I got would work quickly enough that I would still get to attend the concert that evening.

Grabbing my keycard and cap, I made my way out the door and down the corridor to the elevator of the hotel I was staying in for the weekend’s festivities. Not only was I meant to go to the concert tonight, but I had my first ever fan signing for my webcomic. I just had to get better.

Waiting at the elevator I could see it was already on its way up. It stopped and the doors opened, as I was about to get inside a large group stepped out. I had to grab onto the wall so I wouldn’t fall when a couple of people in the front pushed past me. As more people streamed out of the elevator, I couldn’t help but wonder if they too were here for the concert.

Just as the last of them stepped off the elevator, I heard a familiar, yet muffled voice. "Are you okay?" the man in the mask, hoodie and cap asked.

"Oh, I’m fine thank you." I said hastily as I pushed off the wall and looked at the man.

"I’m glad, have a good day." He said with what looked like a smile as his eyes crinkled a little.

"You too." I replied as I quickly got on the elevator and pushed the ground floor button.

I looked up again just as the doors were closing, but the man was still there and gave a soft wave as the elevator doors slid shut, hiding him from view.

As the elevator descended, I leaned against the cool metal wall, my mind racing with thoughts of the mysterious man I had just encountered. I shook my head, trying to focus on the task at hand. Medicine. I needed to get better in time for the concert tonight.

The elevator doors opened with a ding, and I stepped out into the lobby, making my way towards the nearest convenience store. The bustling streets of Seoul were a stark contrast to the quiet of my hotel room. Feeling a sudden pang of home sickness, I pushed it aside, determined to make the most of my trip. I would only be in Seoul a few more days before flying back to London.

At the store, I grabbed a basket and quickly filled it with various medications, hoping that something would help me feel better. I also picked up some snacks and bottled water, figuring it couldn’t hurt to stay hydrated and keep my energy up.

As I waited in line to pay, my phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from my best friend, Claire.

“Hey Lilly! How’s Seoul? Ready for the concert tonight?”

I smiled despite my current state. Claire was always so enthusiastic and supportive.

“Seoul is amazing! But I woke up feeling awful. Just got some meds. Fingers crossed they work!”

After paying for the items, I made my way back to the hotel, clutching the bag of medicine like a lifeline. Back in the room, I took the medication and lay down, willing my body to recover quickly. I couldn’t bear the thought of missing the concert or my first fan signing event.

Hours passed, and as I drifted in and out of sleep, the medication slowly started taking effect. By late afternoon, I was well enough to sit up and check my phone again. Messages from fans poured in, expressing their excitement for the fan signing event, making my heart swell with gratitude. Their support meant everything to me.

Determined to push through, I got up and began getting ready for the concert. I chose a comfortable yet stylish outfit, hoping it would make me feel even slightly better. As I applied a touch of makeup, I thought about the man in the elevator again. His kind eyes and gentle demeanour stuck with me and I just couldn’t get rid of the feeling that I had seen him before.

With my keycard and concert ticket in hand, I left my room and made my way back to the lobby. The energy in the hotel was electric, with fans buzzing about the upcoming concert. Joining the throng of people heading towards the venue, my excitement began  mounting despite my lingering illness.

The concert hall was packed, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. I found my seat and quickly settled in, the adrenaline coursing through my veins helping to stave off the effects of the sickness. As the lights dimmed and the music started, I was swept away by the sheer spectacle of it all.

Park Youngjae and his group (Callers) took the stage, and the crowd erupted in cheers. I watched in awe as they performed, their talent and charisma undeniable. I had always felt a deep connection to their music, and for a moment, all my worries faded away.

During a quieter moment in the concert, Youngjae stepped forward to speak to the audience. His voice was warm and sincere, and I couldn’t help but feel drawn to him.

“Contacts! Thank you all for coming tonight,” Youngjae said, his eyes scanning the crowd. “Your support means everything to us. We would never have been here if it weren’t for you.”

The concert continued, each song more captivating than the last. Losing myself in the music, my earlier encounter with the man at the elevator kept replaying in my mind. Could it have been Youngjae in the elevator? They had the same build, but without having seen his face properly, it was too difficult to tell. I shook my head, dismissing the thought. It was too far-fetched.

After the final encore, the lights came up, and the audience began to disperse. Wanting to revel in the afterglow of the performance, I decided to take my time, there was no rush since I was just going to head to my hotel room and go back to bed. As I started to make my way towards the exit, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw a young woman holding a small envelope.

“Excuse me, are you Lilly Jones?” the woman asked, her voice polite but urgent.

“Yes, that’s me,” I replied, puzzled.

“This is for you,” the woman said, handing me the envelope before disappearing into the crowd.

I stared at the envelope, my heart starting to pound, as I opened it carefully, revealing a handwritten note.

“Meet me at the side entrance after the concert. I’d like to talk. – Y”

My breath caught in my throat. Could it be from Youngjae? Glancing around, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. With a deep breath, I began to make my way to the designated meeting spot, my mind racing with possibilities.

As I approached the side entrance, I saw him standing there, in all his post show glory, his familiar silhouette unmistakable. Park Youngjae. The man from the elevator. They were one and the same.

“Lilly,” he said, stepping forward with a smile. “I’m glad you came.”

My heart skipped a beat as I met his gaze. “Youngjae… it was you. How do you know my name?”

He nodded, his eyes twinkling. “I didn’t want to say anything earlier, but I couldn’t let the chance pass by without meeting you properly. I’m a big fan of your webcomic.”

My mind went blank for a moment and I felt my cheeks flush with a mix of surprise and delight. “You’ve read ‘Idol Romance’?”

“Every chapter,” he admitted with a shy smile. “Your stories resonate with me in ways I can’t explain.”

Standing there, in that moment, the bustling city around them fading into the background; it felt like the beginning of something extraordinary, a connection forged by fate and the shared love of storytelling.

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