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"Which one?" I ask, observing the two outfits laid out on my bed. Me and Billie were going to a big party tonight, and I still haven't decided what to wear.

"It doesn't really matter, you'll look great in both" he says sitting down on the edge of the bed, pulling on his dirty battered converse.

I bite my lip in concentration, before letting out a sigh. "You're right. It doesn't really matter" I say grabbing one of the outfits. It was pretty casual because it was just a high school party.

The only reason we even wanted to go to it in the first place was because of free drinks. We wont be hanging around for long, I mean, why would we? Everyone at our school sucks. Except Mike and Tre of course.


Im sat in the passenger seat of Billies car, humming along to the music being played through the speakers. We pull up outside Tre's house to collect him and Mike. They stumble out the front door, clearly they've started drinking already.

The squeeze in the back together, saying hello to us. "Hey why cant I sit in the front" Tre complains childishly with a pout. "Because you're not the passenger princess, Tre" Mike teases him.

"Oh yes I am, isn't that right Billie" Tre says in a girlish, high pitched voice. He leans forward to the drivers seat, placing a sloppy kiss on Billies cheek, catching him off gaurd.

"Eughhh dude!? What the hell is wrong with you?" Billie says vigorously scrubbing his cheeks with the sleeve of his top. I cant help but laugh at his disgusted face. "You're sick dude" Billie says, a small smile on his face.


We finally arrive at the party, Billie parks his car at the side of the road. We all pile out and start walking towards the large house, if you could even call it that. It was a fucking mansion.

People who have clearly consumed more alcohol than they could handle, stumbled out the front door and plopped themselves on the front lawn. Billie put his arm around my shoulder as the four of us walk into the house.

Mike and Tre immediately vanish to try find alcohol. I look around the room noticing a few people from school. Parties definitely weren't my scene. Loud noise. Crowded rooms. Sweaty, annoying drunk people. I don't get it.

After a while Mike and Tre come over to us with a six pack of beers. "Cmon lets go" Tre says with giddiness. We all stumble out the back door, trying to find a more chilled out spot. We notice some random people laying down, drowning themselves in alcohol.

We sit down in a circle, passing around the cans of beer. We talk amongst ourselves, changing between random topics.


"THERE IS NO WAY!" Billie yelled at Tre. "HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE IT?!" Tre argued back at him. "NO! PINEAPPLE DOES NOT BELONG ON PIZZA!"

I sit back watching the scene unfold, i cant help but laugh at their childishness. The argument continues between them both. "Hey, im going to the bathroom" I say, but im pretty sure only Mike heard.

He nods his head taking another chug from his beer. I stand up to walk into the house when Billie realises im leaving. "Bathroom" I say to him. He nods his head, with a small smile.

I head off through the house in attempt to find the bathroom. I squeeze through crowds of drunk, sloppy teens, either sucking eachothers faces or passed out.

I finally make it to the bathroom. Thank GOD there was nobody in there doing god knows what. I finish my business, fixing my hair a bit in the mirror. I exit the bathroom into the swarms of people again.

As I'm making my way through the crowd I feel someone tug at my arm. I ignore it thinking it was some random person, who thought I was someone else. I continue walking but feel it again.

I turn around to see who it is, only to be faced with my biggest fear. My ex-boyfriend. He was hell on earth. He physically and mentally abused me for over a year and a half. I had told Billie about him briefly.

I had shoved all the bad memories so far back in my brain, I had almost trained myself to forget them. It only took three seconds for them to come flooding back.

Its as if everything paused. My palms begin sweating. My heart racing. Not a word came out of my mouth. "N-no Let g-go" I stumble over my own words.

He looks at me with an evil grin. "Cmon Y/N, lets go somewhere with some privacy" he says trying to drag me somewhere with him. "N-no. Let go, Jake" I say panic rising in my chest.

In that moment I wonder if everyone around us was to shit faced to see what was happening or so unbothered they didn't even care. He quickly grabs me pulling me out the front door with him.

I flail around trying my best to get out of his grip. "STOP BEING A BITCH!" He yells in my face wrapping his arms around my body, restraining me. "STOP, LET ME GO!" I yell and that gets me a backhand to the cheek. He covers his hand over my mouth silencing me.


Billies POV:

Finally our argument about Pineapple on pizza had died out and we had switched topics. I wonder to myself for a minute what was taking Y/N so long to get back from the bathroom. 'Probably the crowd' I thought to myself.

Thats what I thought until I heard I muffled scream. At first I kinda ignored it thinking it was probably a few people messing around, until I heard it again. Calling for help. It sounded too much like Y/N for my liking.

"HEY! Shut up" I quickly interrupt Mile and Tre. "Dude wha-?" Mike asks confused befire I cut him off. The scream being heard I third time catching their attention. "Is that..Y/N?" Tre asks as they stand up.


"PUT ME DOWN JAKE!" I yell at him, trying to hide the fear in my voice. Suddenly he shoves me down again and quickly pushes me against a wall. "I told you to shut the fuck u-!" He yelled in my face before getting cut off, falling to the ground, his grip releasing on me.

I look over to see Billie, Mike and Tre standing there. Billie looks down at the guy he just punched, anger seething through him. Mike quickly kneels down infront of me. "Oh shit, are you good?! You're bleeding" he says noticing the graze on my forehead.

I look behind him seeing Billie land a few more punches on Jake's face, before Tre pulls him off saying he's not worth it. Billie spits on Jake like he's dirt, as Tre loosens his grip on him. Jake stumbles to his feet, the mixture of alcohol and getting punched in the face 5 times wasn't a good combination.

He doesn't waste time getting out of there after Billie had hit him. Billie walks over to me, kneeling down. One of his hands cups the side of my face. "Are you okay? Did he do anything? Did he hurt you? Oh god he did." He questions, his hand hovering cautiously over the graze on my forehead. "I'm okay, it doesn't really hurt." I say reassuringly.

Billie looks at me, his once enraged expression was replaced by a sorrowful one. "Cmon I thinks it's time to go home" Tre says, patting Billies shoulder. "Yeah.." Billie sighs. I go to stand up and all three of them urgently reached their arms out to steady my. I let out a low chuckle. "Guys I'm okay I can walk" The nod, still weary before we all stand up and start walking towards Billies car.

Billie wrapped his arm around my waist, pressing a soft kiss on my cheek. "I'm sorry that happened, y/n" he says in a soft tone. "It's alright Beej, thanks for..beating him up I guess?" I say with a small smirk. "It was pretty hot if you asked me" I say, nudging him with my elbow. "Oh really?" He says, the smirk on his face growing.


Hello lovelies, just want to say I probably won't be updating this book to often because I'm very very bad at writing under pressure so I'll update when I can x

I didn't proof read...because I'm lazy, so ignore any mistakes

Thank u all for reading, pls interact and enjoy the book xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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