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I winced in pain, trying to bite back the yelp that bubbled in my throat the minute I attempted to move my ankle. Tears welled up in my eyes and I instantly hated myself for not being stronger, for not being able to face these awful people, or rather, this awful person. Making myself as small as possible I looked up into the face of my attacker once I was sure my eyes were no longer swimming in tears. 

 Oh Sehun. 

 "Next time, don't walk in my general vicinity and we won't have this problem again." He scoffed at me, his gorgeous pale face twisted up into a sneer, an expression that had permanently inhabited his face from the moment he first encountered me. Oh Sehun was my tall, muscular, lean, drop dead gorgeous, bleach blonde classmate. And he hated my guts. I can't say why or for what reason because unfortunately I don't know those things myself. But from the moment I walked into Juban Middle School three years ago, he had brought it upon himself to become my personal bully.

 But Sehun wasn't just anyone. Naturally with his looks and self confidence he had the whole school behind him in just about everything, and that included ostracizing me. I moved to Seoul after my mother passed away shortly after the beginning of seventh grade. My father and I needed a fresh start and job opportunities had arisen in the wonderful city of Seoul, so we packed up our little house in Busan and traded it in for a small apartment on the edges of the city. I left every single friend behind when I moved and over the course of the last three years I've been alone, every opportunity to make friends violently stripped away by him. Not even one pity friend had had the courage to approach me. I was a target living in a constant and daily hell. 

 I looked up at him from the ground where he forced me down with an intentional trip. "Does it ever get old? Creating this everlasting hell for me?" I asked him in the smallest voice packed with the most fierce emotion I had ever felt. 

 I didn't hear his answer for I was suddenly being drowned in a stream of water as he poured every last drop from his bottle all over me. Sitting there in shock I vaguely recalled him saying, "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over the water," before strutting away laughing like a hyena, his friends laughing right along with him.

 The hallway suddenly felt so big and scary with the absence of students as they fled to the cafeteria for lunch. The silence pressed in on me from all sides, trying to break what little piece of me left that wasn't yet broken. Not here, not yet. I would not cry yet. 

 Using all of my strength I pulled myself upright using a nearby trash can. Flinching in pain as I tested out my ankle, I slowly made my way to the girl's bathroom, limping along the way and doing my best to get used to walking on an ankle that clearly did not want to be walked on. I picked the biggest stall at the back, silently closing it behind me with a click of a lock and sitting down before pulling out my lunch. Right. The same routine as every other day, whether I had a faulty ankle or not, but I couldn't focus on my food. Pain and loneliness constricted in my heart as everything seemed to crush me. I felt hot tears slide down my cheeks and frustration well up in my chest. Why couldn't I fight back? Why did I let this happen? 

 Soon the tears turned into sobs which turned into cries that wracked my entire body. I couldn't stop, all I could think was that I had to keep going. Keep studying, keep working hard, keep on keeping on until I got into the best high school in Seoul and as far away from Oh Sehun as possible. That was the only thought that kept me from running home and never coming back.

 >>Six Months Later<<

 For the first time since I moved, I was happy to be setting foot into Juban Middle School. The graduation ceremony would take place in the gym with folding chairs and no air conditioning, but I couldn't imagine a better setting. 

 "We would now like to recognize Katara Kim, one of the most outstanding students to ever walk through Juban's doors. Ms. Kim will be graduating with the highest honor, at the top of her class and is the first student from Juban to ever be accepted into and to enter Seoul Academy for the Gifted and Talented. We are also excited to note that Ms. Kim has been awarded a full scholarship. The faculty and I would like to sincerely congratulate Ms. Kim on her achievements and wish her best luck in her future endeavors." The headmaster concluded to the applause of every audience member and to the disgusted looks of almost every single classmate. But I didn't let it bother me because at the back of the crowd, unseen by everyone besides those around him, my Dad was screaming and cheering at the top of his lungs and I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I loved him so much. 

 When the ceremony concluded I told my Dad I would meet him by the gates and decided to take one last stroll along the halls of Juban Middle School. It didn't seem so scary now that I was leaving. 

 As I rounded a corner, a familiar face appeared making me pull back in fear. "So all this time...Little Miss Sunshine was a dork and a genius? Now I wish I had copied off your homework more often." Sehun didn't bother to look at me as he used a bored tone and scrolled through his phone. I didn't bother to answer, walking past him so that I could finally leave this wretched building forever. But he was too fast for me, grabbing my arm and pushing me against the wall. "Don't you know it's rude to ignore someone when they are talking to you?" He glared at me, sneering in my face and threatening my personal space. 

 "You don't scare me, Sehun." I replied evenly, looking deeply into those black, furious eyes. 

 He laughed a short, dark laugh that had no trace of humor. "Oh so because we've graduated and you won't see me again after this you aren't scared of me anymore? It doesn't work like that Sunshine, you don't turn off the fear." 

 "I was never scared of you to begin with." I stated simply. "I've pitied you from the very beginning and I still pity you now." I seethed getting right into his face the same way he had done to me. The shock on his features evident as he finally let go of my wrist. I turned to leave but decided to say one last thing. "Thank you for the worst three years of my life. I wouldn't have been able to get into Seoul Academy if you hadn't pushed me to be as far away from you as humanly possible. I hope it was worth it." And then I left without waiting for a response. 

 I wanted nothing more than to never ever encounter Oh Sehun again, and I genuinely thought I never would. 

 Boy was I wrong. 



Sorry if this seemed a little heavy for the first chapter but this is going to be a light hearted story with romance and a little bit of drama. And don't worry, we'll see the Exo boys soon!! 

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