Chapter One

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The theater was empty. It used to be full of teens skipping school and old couples taking their grandchildren to see any new kids movies coming out. But now, there was no one but the minimum wage workers and a few people sprinkled around here and there,

Shelby, the liveliest worker at the establishment, gave Owen a warm smile. Her lanyard that held her ID around her neck was adorned with anime pins and lesbian flags. She was a few years younger than Owen, him 24 and her 17. It was her first job and she was clearly very excited to be useful. She was overly bubbly and always got dressed up, even in her work uniform. She made the red polo and black pants into a Pinterest worthy look with her blonde hair always styled perfectly and her makeup on point. She was a proud outfit repeater, but always seemed to make it look new and different.

"Hey! Owen!" The girl called out, her voice echo throughout the empty lobby. The faint noises of arcade games that haven't been used in years could be heard if they listened hard enough.

Awkwardly shuffling over to her, the blond boy (who looked eerily similar to Shelby) quirked the corners of his lips up for her. "Hi," Owen wasn't shy, he was just awkward. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind, but he was gonna trip over his words while doing it. "I like your makeup, very glittery." He and Shelby weren't really friends, she was too young for him, but they were very friendly with each other. Most of the other workers just wanted to leave, and rightfully so, they weren't paid enough to care.

"Aw thanks dude! The usual?" The boy nodded. Shelby quickly prepared his favorite soda and his popcorn. "Whatcha seeing? The new horror?" Once again, Owen nodded his head yes. "I don't know how you watch that shit," She wasn't supposed to swear on the job, but who gives a shit? "I'm a total pussy with scary stuff."

"My love life is scarier." This prompted a snort-y laugh from the blue-eyed girl. Owen only really joked around with close friends, but occasionally he'd indulge in it with people like Shelby.

"Alright, Mr. Wynn, have a nice time!" Shelby passed him his popcorn and a large soda"

"Stop calling me that, makes me feel old."

"You are old, dumbass." She teased him. "Now, go watch the movie, it'll be on soon." Owen rolled his eyes with a grin before walking off to the side of the theater where the movie would be.

He wandered through the empty halls, except for a few workers. The carpet was a dark red with almost arcade-like designs on it. A more... elegant version of a skating rink carpet. He found his way to theater five, pushed open the heavy door, and found the dark chocolate-brown leather chair that was his seat.

To his surprise, when he paid for the tickets at the little screen thingy, there was someone else who bought one. Usually when there's someone else it's two or three people, never just one person. Probably just a teen skipping school alone. Poor loser, must have no friends.

He sipped on his soda as he waited for the previews to end. It was all sappy rom-coms and shitty horror movies. Still, no matter how poorly made they were, he always went to see them. It never scared him, hasn't since he was little. Even the quick flash of a jumpscare didn't work anymore, at most it made him flinch a bit. He munched on his popcorn, bare because he's a fucking pyschopath.

Just as the last preview came to an end, the other person came in. To his surprise, it wasn't a high-schooler. He was too mature looking for that. Owen couldn't quite make out his features in the dark, but he could tell he was relatively pale with red hair, and perhaps some freckles. His vision was too bad to really see. He lost his contacts and he was too lazy to clean his glasses. His eyes weren't that bad. He could still read, but it was just a bit blurry and he couldn't see very far.

Owen had to admit, the boy was cute. He was kind of short, probably around 5'8" or 9". The man gave him a smile as he walked to his seat. It was all the way at the other end of the row. It was odd, but the row had the perfect view and he maybe he just didn't want to take someone else's spot. But who actually goes to theaters anymore? Everything just comes out on a streaming service in like a month, and that gave you so many more options to choose from.

The movie, well, sucked. Like most horror movies that came out in recent years. What surprised the awkward boy, he felt a pair of eyes on him. Whenever he glanced at the stranger, he seemed to be looking at the large screen while sipping on a seemingly bottomless Icee. Maybe this dogshit movie got to him.

The dim lights turned back on, casting a warm yellow glow across the room. Owen could see the other person more clearly now (still not perfect, but better.) Fuck, he really was cute. He had green eyes, freckles, almost cartoonishly red hair. The stranger's face was soft but still had a slender build to it.

Whatever, who cares if the guy is cute? They would never see each other again.

Owen tossed out his empty popcorn bag and drink on the way out from the theater. He reached the lobby, waved to Shelby, and made his way to the scorching summer heat outside. Footsteps could be heard quickly approaching behind him, not running, but at a light jog. "Wait!" The blond quickly turned around. Did he leave his phone or something?

The redhead stopped in front of Owen, slightly out of breath. Nevertheless, he gave a blinding smile. "I'm Milo!" Milo offered his hand for the taller one to shake it.

Huh, Milo. Cute name. "Uh, hi?" It sounded more like a question than a greeting. Owen hesitantly shook Milo's pale hand. They kept eye contact for an awkward amount of time. "Do you need anything?" His voice was indifferent, clearly off put by the bubbly boy.

"Oh, right!" Milo came back down to earth. "Can I have your number? You're really cute."

Oh. My. God. Did he just...? Owen didn't know how to handle it. He was simultaneously terrified and incredibly excited. "Yes!" Shit, that was too happy. He answered on impulse without thinking much about it. It was the first time this happened. His emotions were all over the place.

Milo reached into his pocket for his phone, opening the phone app and handing it to Owen. "I'll text you when I get home." His hands were practically trembling as he put in his number, causing him to make many mistakes. He added his name. Should he do his last name too? No, that was too formal. No emojis or text symbols, they weren't close enough. A period at the end sounded rude. He eventually settled on the simple answer of 'Owen' and hoped that worked.

Owen knew he was overthinking this. But he simply didn't know how to react. No one really approached him, romantically or platonically.

He sent a quick text to save Milo's number in his contacts. "Nice name, I like it." The freckle-faced boy couldn't resist a playful (but not seductive) wink. "I gotta get going, text me later." Before Owen could tell him his goodbyes, Milo walked off.

"Dude, what the fuck..." He muttered to himself. His brain fully caught up to what had just happened.

* * *
helloooooo! i'm finally getting back into writing! i honestly really like how this turned out. yes, it's corny. but fuck you, cringe culture is dead. i will republish my other books... eventually. this chapter is shorter than i'd like, but i didn't know what else to add :3
i decided that i should keep this book's writing style similar to locker room's style (iykyk) (it's under editing!! always my first born.) meaning a more casual tone. it's not taking itself too seriously while also not being a crackfic.
if there's a grammar / spelling mistake uh tell me but be nice cuz i'll cry 😔😔 /hj

word count (not counting this part): 1307

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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