17. Want to find out?

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Veronica is asleep but she kept mumbling

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Veronica is asleep but she kept mumbling. I couldn't understand anything.

But she looks cute.

I mentally slap myself.
What the fuck am I thinking.

She moved in her sleep and wrapped a hand around in waist. I also wrap my hand around her back, Keeping her steady.

This is how you are going to spend your whole life, vixen.
With me.
Either you like it or not.

I smirked at my thoughts.

Claiming someone is fun. Knowing there are yours. To keep. To play. To end.
Just make this whole thing so fucking interesting.

I looked at her.
And I have to admit she is quite beautiful.
My smirk turned into a smile.

I caught a glimpse of her from my side eyes. I bit the corner of my lips.

I noticed her feature. His face looks soft when she sleeps. Her eyelashes touch her cheeks. Her lips looks full.

This innocence she kept away from the world. That's what I want to ruin. Not the part she shows the world.
The tough and sarcastic part is just the cherry on top.

If I could kiss her just her.
I lowly thought.

The car halt. I snapped out of my thoughts.

Get a grip on yourself.

I sigh.
Fuck, I didn't realise till I saw my home that I was so fucking tired.

I tried to wake her up. She didn't move a bit. But she got even more comfortable on me.

I sigh. Again. And got down from the car and picked her up in a bridal style. Her face falls in my chest.

When I got to the living room, sam told me liz fell asleep a long time ago. I took a breath in relief for the first time.

And took this little vixen to her room. I lay her down in the bed.

But She stir uncomfortably on her bed and groan. I looked at her and sighed for the millionth time today.

Realisation hit me.
I messed up everything, today. Tomorrow is going to be amazing. Note the sarcasm.

I took off her heels. I found her makeup remover and cleaned her face.

Liz once told me, leaving makeup on our face for a long time cause damage.
And she has to look beautiful for me.

A knock came through the door and Henderson came inside.
He looked at me for a second and made a face but went back to normal.

I put the cotton and the bottle in the table beside the bed.
"The doctor came" He told me. And I asked him to bring him inside.

He checked her up as She opened her eyes. Red eyes.
This looks serious.

From, VeronicaWhere stories live. Discover now