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As soon as I entered the stadium, all three people looked at me curiously.

Maybe cause I am new in the circle. They all approached me.

I was little worried that they are going to gang up on me. But they simply asked what my name was.

We exchanged our names and talked with each other.

Random esper1: Have you ever fought any monsters?

Yun: no, I haven't. It was only recently I know that I am an esper.

Random esper2: we can go to some places where small monsters keep popping often. You need to get used to fighting.

Yun: yes, I am going to learn how to fight.
'to fight those brothers'

Random esper3: I see. Have you ever received guidance? Who is your guide?

Yun: 'guidance? I don't know about that. Let's just say I haven't received '
"I haven't received any guidance. I came here hoping that I would have some."

Random esper1: is it? Guides are rare, especially 'S' grade ones. Have you measured your grade being an esper?

Yun: No, I haven't measured my grade being an esper.

Random esper2: then, you can fight some monsters to see your grade. If it is really high, you need to go to a private company where they measure your grade and give you a guide.

Yun: A private company? Where is it? Can't I have a guide if I get someone?

Random esper3: well, you can get a guide if you tried but all of them are grade 'B' and below. If you are grade 'A' esper and above, you will have to go to that company since only that company has higher guides.

Yun: how could that company have so many high grade guides.

Random esper1: it was said that company owner himself is a 'S' grade guide and all other guides as related to him. It is in this city only. It is called 'AN guide' company.

Yun: All right, thanks for that. I will check it out if needed.

Later, several guides and few set of guides of have arrived. All of them guides are grade 'B' and below.

I was shocked by guide to esper ratio. Perhaps it was only 3 years. It will increase more in future I guess.

I interacted with a girl guide. Seems guidance is done by direct contact with the guide.

She told me espers need 20 minutes of guidance often if not regularly. Higher the grade of esper, more fighting they do, more guidance they need to receive.

I was little shocked to hear that. If I am really high grade esper, I need to go that company. I hope they treat me better.

The girl guide told me that I do not have to worry about using my powers as a guide since a 'S' grade guide exists in the company and he is cooperative.

I asked her if there are 'S' grade espers.

She replied that they haven't seen any 'S' grade esper so far. But she thinks that a 'S' grade guide should be around since there are 'S' grade guides around.

Maybe those 'S' grade espers are with that company.

I followed few espers and along with that girl guide to a place where monsters are frequented.

When I visited the place. They were monsters that were crawling around.

I was chased by a fox monster immediately. I ran for sometime and threw that purple lightning around.

The fox monster was dead and dissipated like an ash.

The group of people were shocked to see me fight.

I killed few more monsters. Together we killed all the monsters in the area. After monsters were killed, the portal was closed.

I was surprised to see that.

The group told me that I was strong and have never seen a person kill a monster with single strike.

I told them I was feeling exhausted. The girl guide gave some guidance.

I only feel little better. The girl told me that I could be high grade esper since she was a 'B' grade guide and she couldn't help me completely.

She advised me to seek out the 'AN guide' company. She assured me that company is good.

I listened to the advice and told them I will go. We were given some rewards by the police and some government officials for clearing out the monsters.

It was a lot. I was happy. I could earn money. I decided to live as an esper for a while.

I should checkout that company sometime.

I should have some identification paper work done. I should change my current identity 'Yun'.

There should be some officials that could give me new identity.

==To be continued.

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