Chapter One - A Happy (Ish) Accident

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Hello everyone! I don't even know if any of you will be reading this story, as the twdg ended a while ago, but nonetheless, I want to give this story a shot! Please excuse any mistakes as I haven't gotten around to writing in a while and I may be quite a bit rusty, plus english is not my first language. Each chapter will be a half of an episode, so please enjoy and leave as many comments as you'd like!

also, important notes to add:
-Clem is 18 in this
-Marlon doesn't get killed by AJ
- Brody gets badly hurt but doesn't die
-Vi won't have a crush on Clem
- The story will continue after the end of season four





That was all Clementine had lived since the beginning of the end started.

Trust no one.

Never let your guard down.

Vulnerability is a weakness.

That was all Clementine had known since she was thrown with full force into a harsh world where everyone was fighting to survive another day.

Running. Hiding. Surviving. Trust no one. Never let your guard down. Vulnerability is a weakness.

That was all AJ knew.

After all, he was born with the gift of life into a world that was suffering the curse of death.

And he was raised by a girl who, just like him, had to go through so much to build up a sturdy wall that protected them both.

AJ never got to experience loving parents caring for him, preparing him a hot meal in the morning before he went off to school to meet up with his friends and learn something new. He never got to experience watching TV a little later than his usual 9pm curfew because his parents reluctantly allowed him to on a Saturday night. He never got to experience waking up to a surprise birthday cake and a gift that contained his dream toy in it that he's wanted for months. He never got to experience any holidays, events, projects, friendships, family, memories, nothing.

He never got to experience life.

The only thing he got to experience was escaping the claws of death every second of the day.

And who had to carry the burden? Clementine.

He knew. He knew deep down that Clementine was tired. Exhausted. Scared. He knew she wanted nothing more than to find a safe home for them where she wouldn't have to worry about him constantly.

And God, he wanted nothing more than to see Clementine happy. She sacrificed so much for him, lost so many people for him, and it eats away at him everyday to know he could never repay such a debt.

She was all he had, and he was all she had. And they would protect each other with their lives.


AJ was lost in thought, eyes slightly blurry from not staring at anything in particular as he sat in the back of the car and played with his empty gun. He was brought out of his trance by Clementine's voice calling his name.

"AJ... what're you doing there, Goofball?" She asked him curiously, eyeing him from the rear view mirror of their car.

He stared back at her, boredom clear in his eyes. "Pretending we've got bullets." he sighed out as he spun the bullet compartment of the gun one more time.

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