18. Needs

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"You are drugged" I said as I tried to free myself

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"You are drugged" I said as I tried to free myself. "You really think I was drugged" She looked at me confused.

I raised an eyebrow "what?" "I was not drugged" She chuckled "doctor said y-" "Yeah, you should fire him from the job" She said nonchalantly.

"Ok don't ruin the mood" She rubbed herself on me. My mind was stuck on one thing,

"What do you mean, you were not drugged?" My mind was blank.
"It was alcohol, ok? I am not good with alcohol especially whiskey. It makes me needy" She groans.

"You were like that because of 1 whiskey?" I looked at her confused. "Yes, I just told you. And now you are just running your mood" I pouted at me.

"Let's do something" She said as she slid her hand down my chest.
She smirked.

And my boner is back.
What is this girl?

"Don't be so eager, vixen" I stopped her hand on my abs.
"Because we are not going to do something" I completed my sentence.

She raised her eyebrow and her eyes darkened. She wrapped her hand around my neck and pulled my head down.
More like I let her.

"Listen, prince Charming. Either you do it or I will have someone else to do it" She challenged me.

Rage rushed my brain as I grabbed her neck and pushed her on the wall, her hands falling to her side.
"You listen, vixen. From now on, you will erase the thought of any other man from your pretty little nasty brain"

I warned her "let another man touch you sweetheart, I will give you their remains after I'm done with them and then I will fuck you so hard" My voice turned low "you will beg me to stop, and listen I will fucking not"

I did mean every word I said. Fucking Veronica was never in my head. I never thought about it.
She was just a pawn I was using, because it would be worth nothing, if she dies.

I don't care if she dies.
The only man who would touch her last is me.
From now and the last.

No one gets to touch a hair on this body. And gets to live another day.
And her even thinking of the possibility makes me want to kill every man, she ever thought of.

I am fucked in my head.
But she needs to know who she belongs too.

I pulled her up as she wrapped her legs on my waist. I put her on the sink top.
Part her legs as I stepped between them. She looked at me.

"Isn't it what you want?" I asked but she hesitated "I.. Do"
"What happened vixen? Scared?"
"No" She said with the most courage she could buy.

I chuckled "don't worry, vixen" My voice turned low "it's going to hurt" I completed my sentence.

She widened her eyes "it's not like it's your first time" I said as she smirked "it isn't"
Rage burns inside me, I leaned down and kissed her neck "oh is it?"

From, VeronicaWhere stories live. Discover now