'AN guide' company

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With the money I have earned, I found lodging temporarily.

I went to an officer in charge of creating identity card to forge a fake identity for me as I bribed him handsomely.

Later, I decided to check out the 'AN guide' company.

Early morning, I went to the company. It was a high end building with 20 floors.

It was bigger than I thought. I went to the receptionist asking for a grade test for espers.

She asked for my identity card, I provided my fake card. She gave me a application and told me to wait for the test which will commence in 30 minutes.

I filled in application where they asked how long I have known I was an esper and such details.

I was little nervous about the test even though it was only self assessment for myself.

Later, a guy guided me to a room where there were some machines setup. I thought I was going to fight some monsters.

  The person in charge told me that around 20 people have worked to put up this machine which grades espers.

He started boasting about the team telling me how all of them have high IQ  and went through lot of trails and errors to setup this system within such short time.

I was told few espers forged this system and are working constantly to improve it.

Not going to lie but I was impressed.

I was told to stand in the center where there was a short pole with unusual shape on the top.

I was instructed to do as much damage I could to the shape on the top.

I kept my body in ease and tried attacking the pole.

At first, it was a little hard to make an attack but after 3 tries, I made higher and higher attacks without restraint.

That shape on the top broke into pieces like glass and fell around.

After I was done, I was filled in awe about my power.

The people in charge were also excited and complimented my purple lightning.

After a short assessment, they told me I was 'S' grade esper. I was shocked.

I was told that there were only 20 espers in total in whole world.

So, I was 21st esper.

They told me that I could be stronger than all other 20 'S' grade espers.

I was excited and happy.

I felt little more exhausted than yesterday. I told them the same.

They told me that they informed the owner and owner will meet me soon.

I asked them if We could have guidance since I don't feel so well.

They said there were only 'B' grade guides around and 'A' grade guides are all assigned to their respective partners already.

I was worried about guide but they assured me that owner himself could work with me.

I rest my worries for now.

They gave me a room and a guy to look after me.

I told them I don't need it but they insisted.

They asked me if I wanted to work for the company to clear out monsters. That I have no worries about having guide, since I will get one as long as I pay money.

I thought it out a little. I am not sure if I should work individually or work with the company. I am sure they would cooperate with whatever demands I would have.

I decided to meet the owner first then decide.

I ate lunch in the company and checked out some newspapers in the room. I didn't have a phone with me and I am not aware of outside a lot.

There was a lot of information about portals and monsters. Government is still working on bringing espers together and implementing laws and establishments.

  There are lot of establishments around founded by rich people. Not so organized.

Speaking of the rich, my brothers were rich. My adopted parents too. Since they are dead, they should have left lot of inheritance?

I shuddered at that thought.

'shit, what if this company has some my brothers? They could very well be owner of this company'

'oh my god! I am so stupid. I should have thought it out. I should leave before I run into my brothers '

==To be continued.

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