Time of the lost

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Hii!! <3 My Name is Laine and what your reading rn is the first chapter of my first book!! 🤭

Now enjoy your Mild-Horror book my Darling precious<33💋

Late at night, under the sparse glow of flickering streetlights that cast long, wavering shadows, Ophelia Mandy Fruu walked alongside her husband, Alex Steffon Fruu. They had savored a rare evening out together, celebrating their anniversary with a quiet dinner at a quaint bistro nestled in a corner of the city. Their laughter and whispered confidences had filled the air, a fleeting escape from the responsibilities of parenthood awaiting them at home.

Their minds were tethered to their infant daughter, Mia, just one month old and cradled in the care of a trusted babysitter. Mia, with her delicate features and innocent giggles, had become the center of their universe since her birth, filling their lives with newfound joy and purpose.

As the night deepened, they strolled leisurely down a familiar but poorly lit street, the tranquility of their evening slowly giving way to the unsettling quiet of the late hour. The usual buzz of city life had faded into a distant murmur, leaving behind an eerie stillness that seemed to amplify every footstep and rustle of the wind.

Ophelia's fingers tightened around Alex's hand, a reflexive gesture born of both affection and a growing unease. She glanced around nervously, her senses on high alert as they approached a dimly lit intersection flanked by abandoned buildings and overgrown shrubbery. The shadows danced ominously across the pavement, casting fleeting glimpses of uncertainty.

Suddenly, from the darkness emerged two figures, their faces obscured by hooded jackets pulled tightly around their heads. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Ophelia registered the threat, her pulse quickening with primal fear. Before she could utter a word of warning, strong hands seized them both, wrenching them forcefully into the suffocating embrace of an adjacent alleyway.

The alley swallowed them whole, its narrow confines suffused with the stench of decay and the sharp tang of fear. Ophelia's heart hammered in her chest as she struggled against her captors, a desperate attempt to break free from their vice-like grip. Alex, ever the protector, fought back with a fierce determination, his voice a defiant shout in the face of adversity.

But their assailants were relentless, their intentions masked behind a chilling silence that spoke volumes. They moved with a calculated precision, overpowering Ophelia and Alex with surprising strength that betrayed their outward appearance. Amidst the chaotic struggle, Ophelia caught a fleeting glimpse of Alex's face, contorted with a mixture of fear for their predicament and unwavering resolve to protect his family.

The alleyway echoed with the sounds of scuffling feet, muffled shouts, and the desperate cries of a woman unwillingly torn from the safety of her family's embrace. Time lost all meaning in those frantic moments, each second stretched thin by the terror that gripped their hearts and threatened to consume their very existence.

And then, as abruptly as it had begun, the altercation ended. Ophelia and Alex were forcibly ushered into a waiting vehicle, its engine growling to life in a sinister symphony that marked the beginning of an uncertain journey into the unknown. The alleyway, now devoid of life and fraught with lingering shadows, bore witness to their abduction, leaving behind only the echo of Ophelia's desperate cries that reverberated through the desolate street.

In the aftermath of their disappearance, the city resumed its slumber, oblivious to the sinister events that had unfolded under the cloak of darkness. And somewhere amidst the unknown expanse, Ophelia and Alex Fruu were whisked away from everything they knew, leaving behind a void that Mia, their infant daughter, would unknowingly inherit in the hours that followed.

Hoped u liked the chapter my darling precious<33 💋 now I don't wanna keep you waiting. Go read the other chapter now!! <33❦

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