1st brother's guidance

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I was not feeling well all over my body. My brother started stripping me. I am naked.
I lost half of my consciousness.

My first brother stroked my whole body and exploring it, "your energy is really chaotic and is all over. I could get hurt.

I need to take care of your body."

He got on his knees and spread my legs. I wonder why he got on his knees.

He took my cock and inserted in his mouth. I was baffled by this sudden action.

I was never given a head by anyone, not even by my brothers.

He started licking and sucking my cock. He made lusty slurping sounds while he was taking my whole cock in.

It felt good.  I am acting on instinct. Even my body feels little better.

I can feel his throat tightening while he was taking all of my cock in.

He gave it his all while sucking me deep. I cummed after sometime.

I feel lot better but I am still in daze.

He took off his blazer and started fingering me, "I wish I could take my sweet time loosening you but I am giving you guidance now. Sorry, but I have to hurry so as to get you back in shape."

He fingered me for a while and started insertimg his cock in.

It felt little tight. Only the top of his cock is inside. He slowly put in his cock little by little.

His whole cock is in my body. He started thrusting back and forth.

It was painful but I was satisfied as his whole cock was inside.

I started to feel better and better. I fainted in middle of that 'guidance'.

When I woke up, my consciousness was back. I feel energetic. I was laid in the sofa dressed up.

My brother was working inside the office. He took a look at me as I sat up.

He smiled, "it is nice that you woke up, Yun. I am glad that my guidance worked on you. I was little worried."

I growled at him and tried making an attack.
But I was apprehended by 4 people immediately.

I didn't notice them. My brother looked at me, "those are the 4 'S' class espers that are with the company."

They work with me as they need guidance from me.

I was shocked that out of all 'S' class guides in the world, 4 of them were already with him.

He continued, "you must be shocked but they need 'S' class guides too. All of us 11 brothers are 'S' class guides.

Of course, they get regular normal guidances with includes only touching on the wrist."

All 11 of them are guides? That too 'S' class? That feels so unfair...

My brother ordered them, "Please put on those restraints on him. Seems he is not going to cooperate with me."

I glared at them, "why do you all cooperate with him? There will be more 'S' class guides later, you shouldn't be doing this to me."

Those 4 espers took a look at each other, "I know they could be other 'S' class guides but it is simply hard to control our energies. We are sorry."

They are heartless despite being espers. Is there truly no other way?

They confined me in some special handcuffs on both my legs and hands.

They left the room after that. I tried making an attack but I couldn't.

I wonder what these handcuffs were. My brother told me, "those handcuffs are made from the skin of a gigantic snake that we conquered recently. It took 5 people to defeat that snake.

It has restraining property. It isn't easy to break."

I was disheartened to hear that. All my strength as an esper is not useful at all now.

He grabbed me, "come with me to the home. Your brothers are waiting for you."

I couldn't do anything as I was dragged by him to the VIP elevator.

I was just sad at all this situation.

I had hope before and all that was lost again.

He drove me in the car himself to the next city.

There were twins waiting outside the entrance of the house I arrived at.

I am back here in this house again...

==To be continued.

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