1886: Sightings

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Scene: Scotland, 1886

Time: Morning

We open on a picturesque Scottish moor, blanketed in fog and mist, as the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and paints the landscape in a soft, golden light. A group of farmers are hard at work, tending to their herds of sheep, unaware of the creature lurking nearby. Suddenly, a low, rumbling growl breaks the peaceful silence, and one of the farmers pauses, his expression turning to one of unease.

Scene: Farmstead near Aberdeenshire

Time: Afternoon

We find ourselves at a farmstead situated near Aberdeenshire. The farmer, John, is working in the fields, keeping a watchful eye on his flock of sheep. His young daughter, Sarah, helps him herd the sheep back to the farm. Suddenly, Sarah looks up and sees something in the distance, a hulking shape half-concealed by the mist.

Sarah: "Dad, look!" she says, tugging at John's sleeve and pointing towards the shape. John follows her gaze and sees the outline of something large and reptilian moving in the distance. He squints, trying to make out the shape more clearly, but it's difficult with the fog and mist obscuring the view.

John: "Stay here," he tells Sarah, his voice stern. "I'm gonna go check it out." He grabs a shotgun that's leaning against the fence and heads toward the shape, treading carefully over the uneven terrain.

As John gets closer, the shape starts to become clearer. It's enormous, dwarfing the nearby trees in size, with thick, armor-like skin and a long, spiked tail. John's heart races as he realizes what he's looking at. A 60-meter-tall Ankylosaurus.

John stands there frozen, his mind racing, the shotgun in his hands feeling woefully inadequate

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John stands there frozen, his mind racing, the shotgun in his hands feeling woefully inadequate. He watches as the ankylosaurus moves slowly through the area, crushing trees and boulders in its path.

He can hear its low, guttural growls, sending shivers down his spine. The creature seems to be moving with a purpose, as if searching for something.

John knows he has to do something, but what? Should he try to scare it off? Or should he just wait and hope the creature doesn't notice him? John's internal struggle is suddenly shattered as he hears a scream from the direction of the farmstead.

Without a moment's hesitation, John turns and runs back towards the farmstead as fast as he can, the gun gripped tightly in his hand. As he runs, he sees the ankylosaurus stop its advance, seeming to turn its attention towards the farmstead as well.

John arrives at the farmstead, panting and out of breath, to find Sarah running towards him. "Dad! I saw it! It's huge!" she cries. John knows they need to get somewhere safe, but where can they go? The ankylosaurus is already making its way towards them, demolishing everything in its path.

He looks around desperately, searching for someplace, anywhere, they can hide. The nearby woods offer some cover, but it's not much. The ankylosaurus is getting closer now, its growls louder and more intimidating.

John makes a decision. "Sarah, follow me," he says, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her towards the trees. They sprint through the woods, ducking behind trees and bushes, trying to stay out of sight. John can still hear the ankylosaurus crashing through the undergrowth behind them.

Time seems to slow down as they run. John can almost feel the creature's footsteps shaking the ground beneath them. He risks a glance behind him and sees the ankylosaurus getting closer. Its reptilian eyes scan the woods, searching for them. They need to find better cover, and fast.

John sees a large cave entrance up ahead, half-hidden by foliage. He pushes Sarah towards it, urging her to hurry. They slip inside just as the ankylosaurus reaches the edge of the woods.

Inside the cave, they're enveloped in darkness, the only light seeping in from the entrance. They listen as the ankylosaurus prowls outside, its growls and footsteps sending vibrations through the walls of the cave.

John and Sarah huddle together in the darkness, their breaths ragged and their hearts pounding. They can only hope the ankylosaurus doesn't find them here. John grips the shotgun, its weight feeling insignificant against the creature outside.

Time seems to crawl by as they wait in the darkness. Every noise from outside makes them jump, their anxiety mounting. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the growls of the ankylosaurus fade away, replaced by the sounds of the forest.

John and Sarah stay put, still and quiet, waiting for any sign the creature is still nearby. After what seems like hours, John whispers to Sarah, "I think it's gone."

They wait a little longer before cautiously emerging from the cave. The sun is beginning to set, casting long shadows across the forest. The area seems quiet and peaceful, except for the broken trees and crushed underbrush left in the ankylosaurus' wake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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