Chapter 1: A Night to Remember

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### Unforeseen Bonds

#### Chapter 1: A Night to Remember

**Scene 1: The Reunion Party**

*Setting: A dimly lit banquet hall, filled with former students of Kadic Academy celebrating their reunion. Music plays softly in the background, and the room buzzes with laughter and conversation. Sissi Delmas, now 22 and more poised than ever, stands near the refreshment table, lost in thought. Ulrich Stern, equally aged and exuding a quiet confidence, spots her from across the room.*

**Ulrich:** *(approaching Sissi with a cautious smile)* Sissi. It's been a while.

**Sissi:** *(startled, then smiling wistfully)* Ulrich. Yeah, it has. How have you been?

**Ulrich:** Good, good. Busy with work, know how it is. You?

**Sissi:** Same here. I've been helping my dad with the school and working on some personal projects. It's...a lot, but I can't complain.

*An awkward silence lingers between them, the weight of their shared history palpable.*

**Ulrich:** Listen, about that night...I—

**Sissi:** *(cutting him off, her eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and sadness)* It was a mistake, Ulrich. We both know that.

**Ulrich:** *(sighing)* Yeah, but...we can't just pretend it didn't happen.

**Sissi:** *(softening slightly)* I know. But it's not something I like to dwell on.

*The music shifts to a slower, more intimate tune, and the room dims slightly, creating a more romantic atmosphere.*

**Ulrich:** *(after a beat, extending his hand)* Dance with me? For old times' sake.

**Sissi:** *(hesitant, then nodding)* Sure. Why not?

*They move to the dance floor, the proximity and the music stirring memories they'd both rather forget.*


**Scene 2: The Morning After**

*Setting: Sissi's apartment, early morning. The sun peeks through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Sissi stirs awake, her head throbbing from the previous night's festivities. She turns over to find Ulrich lying beside her, his presence both comforting and disconcerting.*

**Sissi:** *(whispering to herself, a mix of panic and disbelief)* What have I done?

*Ulrich stirs, waking up slowly and realizing the situation. He sits up, rubbing his temples.*

**Ulrich:** Sissi, I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.

**Sissi:** *(sitting up, pulling the sheets around her)* It's not your fault, Ulrich. We both made choices last night. But what now?

**Ulrich:** We face it. Together. Whatever happens, we deal with it as a team.

*Sissi looks at him, uncertainty clouding her eyes, but she nods, feeling a strange sense of comfort in his words.*


**Scene 3: The Revelation**

*Setting: A small café in downtown Paris. Sissi sits at a corner table, nervously stirring her coffee. Across from her, Ulrich watches her intently, sensing her distress.*

**Ulrich:** Sissi, you've been quiet all morning. What's going on?

**Sissi:** *(taking a deep breath, then blurting out)* Ulrich, I'm pregnant.

*Ulrich's eyes widen in shock, his mind racing to process the information.*

**Ulrich:** *(after a moment, his voice steady)* Are you sure?

**Sissi:** *(nodding, tears welling up in her eyes)* Yes. I took the test this morning.

**Ulrich:** *(reaching across the table to take her hand)* We'll get through this, Sissi. We'll figure it out.

**Sissi:** *(squeezing his hand, her voice trembling)* How, Ulrich? How are we supposed to handle this?

**Ulrich:** Together. We'll take it one step at a time. I promise you, we'll find a way.

*Sissi nods, the fear and uncertainty in her eyes slowly giving way to a flicker of hope.*


**Scene 4: The Support System**

*Setting: The old factory, now a gathering place for the Lyoko Warriors. Odd, Yumi, and Jeremy sit around a table, their faces filled with concern and curiosity.*

**Jeremy:** So, what's the big news? You sounded pretty urgent on the phone, Ulrich.

**Ulrich:** *(taking a deep breath, glancing at Sissi for support)* Sissi and I...we're going to have a baby.

*The room falls silent, the weight of the revelation sinking in.*

**Yumi:** *(standing up, moving to hug Sissi)* Wow, that's...big news. How are you feeling?

**Sissi:** Scared. Confused. But...I'm glad we have all of you.

**Odd:** *(grinning, trying to lighten the mood)* Hey, we're in this together. Just like old times, right?

**Jeremy:** *(nodding)* Absolutely. Whatever you need, we're here for you both.

*The group exchanges supportive smiles, the bonds of their friendship reaffirmed in the face of the unexpected challenge.*


*As the chapter closes, Sissi and Ulrich share a look of determination, ready to face the journey ahead with their friends by their side.*

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