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During their stay at farm house Arjun had planned a short night outing for Subhanwita since she was fond of night outing, and one more reason was he had to reciprocate the ice cream treat she had given to him on that night

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During their stay at farm house Arjun had planned a short night outing for Subhanwita since she was fond of night outing, and one more reason was he had to reciprocate the ice cream treat she had given to him on that night.

She was too happy about the treat. Both had gone to the nearest ice cream shop, walking hand in hand. She instantly developed liking for that walk. They didn't get such chance as they used cars whenever stepped out of house.

"I wish we would have this in our city," Subhanwita was walking beside Arjun, entangling her arm with him, slightly.

"Soothing vibes of nature are too rare to find in city. In order to feel those we have to go somewhere far from city," his eyes were appreciating the tranquility of surrounding.

"You aren't getting me, Arjun. I wasn't referring that. I was saying I wished to have ice cream shop near to our house unlike here," her tongue was relishing ice cream, making her words holding the effect of her action.

"So that you could have ice cream along with night outing, mostly, right?" He figured out the obvious intention.

"No, wrong assumption! I loved walking with you for an outing, and that was the reason behind my wish," she showed a sulky face to him.

"So sweet of you, Subhi. Sorry for wrong thoughts," for diverting her mood, he stuffed a big piece of choco lava cake he was holding.

"By the way, can I get a night outing each night till the time we stay here?" She managed to munch the piece yet chocolate made its way out from corner of her mouth.

"You can walk with me in garden too. We don't need to go out every night," he took out his hanky, and wiped her mouth.

"This time the purpose behind my wish was having ice cream," his slowed down being surprised at her statement while she was smiling with soft chuckles.

"Having ice cream, that too especially in night isn't not good for you in this state. Consider it seriously, Subhi," his advice was meant to remind her that she was carrying a delicate life inside her.

"That's why I have chosen a small cup of ice cream for me. This amount is too little. It won't affect my health. Consider it, Arjun!" Indeed, she had a small cup of ice cream which was less in quantity to satisfy her usual craziness for ice cream.

"Fine, we will come here every night," he agreed with a smile.

"I love...............," her confession was interrupted by cool droplets of rain.

Rain was an alert sign for Arjun. He never liked rain, but she made him get along with her likeness for rain to some extent. She made him drench with her in rain at least once in rainy season.

"Hurry up, Subhi. It's raining," he grabbed her hand to fasten his steps.

"I know, and which is why I am not in hurry," in return, she pulled him back to stand at his place.

"You might catch cold. Then I won't take you on night outing," he was least hopeful that his warning could do something to change her mind.

"I have something to get in this rain, right now," she pulled him closer, making him focus on her eyes, forgetting the situation.

"Arjun, I want to say that you meant to me more than my life. For living, I don't need my existence but you embrace. You emotions for me are my ecstasy, and my emotions for you are my reasons to exist. I love you, Arjun!" the confession completed with continuance of an intense eye lock.

She hugged him tightly with a happy smile. Rain drops were falling on her skin after flowing on his body, and she was enjoying that, the fullest. He too hugged her, granting her the desired moments of enjoyment.

"I love you too, my stubborn Subhi. Finally, you have done your wish, haven't you?" He gave a quick peck on her forehead.

"Sky is pouring down its love for the earth. In this case, why should we miss the opportunity?" A small wink from her side ignited his mischief.

"We have made enough of it. Let's make use of rest of the portion in room when I will cuddle you for warmth," picking her up in arms, he winked back at her.

He carried her back, cheering the cheerful moments while capturing her loving gaze on him.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

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LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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