Chapter 1: The fire within you

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Lying on the cold floor of a classroom, eyes fixed at the ceiling, he had been found in this position a lot lately, enjoying the coldness of the floor that helped the burns and pain around his upper body becoming less painful. With a heavy sigh, he got up, picked up his bag, and got out of the classroom. Today had been a hard day for Izuku yagi or 'Deku' as his "friends" called him, but then again, every day, is hard when you are quirkless in a world full of quirks and superpowers.

His day started as usual by getting lifted from the ground to 2 meters high by his sister and golden child of the yagi family,  Izumi yagi. Then, for lunch, he got his food dumped on his head by his "best- friend," Katsuki Bakugou, who has been getting more aggressive lately and why do you ask? It is because Izuku has always dreamt to be a hero, from the moment he could remember till now, he had always wanted to be one, and it is all because of one man, All Might. The number one hero himself, the symbol of peace. Izuku had always wanted to be like him, to be able to save everyone with a smile and tell them,'I AM HERE'. But fate had other plans for the green haired boy.

Walking through an alleyway after retrieving his 'hero analysis' notebook from the fish pond, he made a summary of his day. He got mocked, beaten, and bullied, but that was nothing new. What was new, however, is what his "best- friend" had advised him today. "Stupid kacchan, telling me to take a swan dive off the roof. What if I had jumped!? Would he have cared? Would anyone have cared?

It was shocking for Izuku to hear those words coming out of his childhood friend's mouth, he always had a bad temper so it was not surprising. What was surprising however, was Izumi's face turned from showing arrogance to a regretful look. 'But, no why would she feel bad or have regrets, she is just like them' thought Izuku.

Before he could dig further on that thought, a manhole opened behind him and he was quickly drowning in something slimy."Ah! Perfect, a body suit, nothing personal kid, I just have to hide from him!" Said the sludge villain. Izuku was suffocating,'please somebody... help me' was his last thought before passing out. Slaps...that is all he felt waking up. "Hey kid, you alright? Wake up." Said the figure as Izuku began to wake up, and as soon as he saw the figure, all hell broke loose in his head, "A-Al-ALL MIGHT!!, it's really you! Can I please have your autograph!?" Asked Izuku over-excited, "you already signed it!!" "Haha! Anything for a fan, now if you'll excuse me I have to go, " said All Might feeling that his time was about to run out.

"Wait!" Cried Izuku as he saw All Might ready to take a leap. Without thinking about it he grabbed All Might's leg as he leaped into the air. "Kid, what are you doing!? Get off it's dangerous!" Screamed all might in the air. "I can't I-If I l-let go n-now I'll die!" Responded izuku with some difficulties. "Oh, good point" said All Might before landing the roof of a building, "why did you do something that dangerous young man", said All Might with a stern voice. "I wanted t-to ask y-you some-something", said Izuku intimidated by All Might. "Go on" responded the symbol of peace, wanting to answer quickly before his time ran out. "C-can I be..., can I be a hero without a quirk!?" Cried Izuku.

'Out of all the questions he could have asked, why this?' Thought All Might. He thought of the best way he could answer that and with a heavy sigh, he started, "listen iz-kid the world is a really dangerous place, I've seen heroes with strong quirks die by the hands of a villain, so no, it is impossible to be a hero without a quirk." Said All Might to the green haired boy who was looking down. "But you could be a police officer or a firefighter, they help people as much as heroes do. Look it's good to have dreams young man but in this world we live in it's safer to keep them realistic". Said All Might before leaping into the sky.

Toshinori was conflicted about what he just said, because at one point in time he was also quirkless before receiving One for All from his master so he felt bad at his response. On the other hand he was relieved. Relieved because he managed to not deform in front of his son, relieved that Izuku might stop trying to be a hero. It is hard for him to accept that Izumi is trying to become one with her telekinesis, now the thought of his only son trying to become one while quirkless, terrified him. 'If the number one hero barely survived an attack  that took a part of his organs out', he didn't wish to finish that thought. Now, he must bring that villain to jail only to find it nowhere on him.

Izuku Is famous at Aldera high as a crybaby, he cried a lot but at this moment all he felt was numb. His idol, his hero told him he couldn't become one. First his mother, then his sister, then Kaachan and now All Might.' Maybe they're right...I should give up' thought Izuku but a voice at the back of his head was begging for someone, something, anything but the only thought that came was,'maybe you could take a swan dive off a roof and hope for a quirk in your next life'. Izuku looked around him, he was on top of a roof, alone maybe this was fate, he told himself. He couldn't take it anymore the abuse from his peers, the clear preference of his sister by their parents, each step was heavier than the other lead him to the ledge of the roof. All it takes is one step and it will be over, the nightmare will be he took it.

He let his body fall and for the first time in a long time, he felt at ease, his mind was blank except for one sentence he kept repeating,'it's for the best'. He closed his eyes and waited for impact but it never came. When he opened his eyes he was once on the roof again. Confused Izuku sat there wondering what happened when suddenly,"what do you think you are doing kid?" A tall man with spiky hair, a white undershirt, and a purple gi asked Izuku. Re-gaining his composure the green haired boy shouted while crying," you should've let me fall!!"  "And why" that responded the  man "because I'm just a worthless deku, nobody would have cared and I would have been at peace!"

The man's expression softened and asked," why do you think you are worthless?" At which Izuku responded, "because I'm quirkless, everybody hates and bullies me." At that the man began to frown, he knew of quirks and that humans began getting superpowers but he never thought that it was this bad for those who didn't get those luxuries. "Tell me kid, what do you want to be in the future." Izuku responded with sobs ," a h-hero sir." Placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, the man said,"young one, you can be a hero." Finally ot was all Izuku wanted to hear since he could remember. Following this statement, the waterworks began because finally someone believed in him.

"But it would not be easy." Said the man, as Izuku stopped crying, he continued " there are other form of power not known to many that can help you become a great hero." Izuku was shocked, "r-really please train me!" Shouted Izuku as he bowed in front of him. The man chuckled,"that was the Plan, meet me tomorrow at dagobah beach and we'll discuss more of it, and oh! I didn't catch your name." I-Izuku yagi sir." He responded quickly. "Well Izuku, see you tomorrow and by the way you can call me Gohan." That was the last thing the man said before taking off in the sky. Izuku was amazed, excited and overjoyed, he just found himself a master and he believed in him.

Flying has always been Gohan's favourite thing to do, apart from eating of course. It helped him relax and think about his day. In this moment his thoughts was focused on one green haired kid he saved. 'He has great potential, I can't wait to see him grow as a fighter. I can't wait to see that fire within you burn as bright as the sun.'

Hey guys author here, like I said in
the description this is my first fanfic, so I would appreciate any kind of feedback whether its positive or negative, hope yall enjoy the first chapter.

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