Its just the beginning

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Daisy's POV
Today was just a regular Sunday afternoon, doing nothing but stuck in the house. I decided to get my lazy ass off of the couch and actually do something besides day dream all day. I got up and decide to text my best friend Dixie.

(Texts between the girls)

Hey get your ass to my place, We are going skateboarding.

Kk be there soon Daisy

Cool, also we will be doing some art so be

You got it, later

Before I could do anything, I heard my mom talking but I didn't exactly listen, something about going across the street to a get together or something. I ignored it and put my phone back on the table and went to brush my teeth and slightly straighten my hair even though I have straight hair, but since it was frizzy this morning I decided it was a good idea to. I then slipped into some dark blue jeans and a black tank with an infinity sign on it. I tied my converse on and grabbed my phone with ear plugs and my skateboard.

"That's great but did it ever occur to you that I'm taking a nap Daisy?!"
She sarcastically said. I chuckled to myself while slamming the door behind me. I put in my ear plugs and started to listen to twenty one pilots new album.

I then saw Dixie at the bottom of the hill so I just decided to meet her there instead. I raced down the hill and stoped with a halt.
"Thank god you didn't make me climb that hill"
Dixie said while looking relieved. As we began to skate our way downtown we started up a conversation.

"Hey I heard your going to the new school that's just got rebuilt. She said while she looked at me for a second while skateboarding.
"Ya I can't wait to be the teen no one notices."
I talked while rolling my eyes.
"Oh come on look on the bright side, there might be cute guys, Daisy."
She started to laugh.
"Oh shut up, last time a guy liked me I punched him in the face for asking me out on a date when he was dating you."
I said disappointedly.

"Oh right, well he was a piece of shit anyways." She said as slightly smiling to make me feel better.
"Hey let's go to the bridge and do some graffiti there."
"Sounds good Daisy."
We stopped right above the small abandoned bridge covered in ivy and jumped down and walk under.


"Hey that looks great."
Ha thanks now let's get out of here cause this time of day I see people more downtown, Dixie." Half a second later I hear guy voices passing by. Dixie attempted climbing up the ivy. Back onto the bridge but she failed pathetically. I just decided to run the opposite direction and hide behind a old rusty car close by. As I was tried squatting to seeing if the guys passed yet, my foot slipped on a couple of pebbles and I fell forward into a pile of metal rods. "God damn it!" I whisper as I look to see all but one guy passed and pay no attention to the small amount of clatter I made. Time froze for some reason and my heart skipped beats. I could feel my blood pressure rising and it was just that guy and myself. He was wearing slightly baggy jeans, just enough to show the top of his boxers, his light jacket revealing a tattoo a little, and his somewhat tight shirt which looked like he had perhaps a 6 pack. Time went back to normal and the next thing I know is that that strange mysterious guy is walking toward me with a confused but concerned look on kid face. I quickly pull myself onto hands and feet and trip over the rods. "Hey you...". Before be could say anymore I cussed my way up to stand once again and began sprinting.
I caught up to Dixie who somehow got up the vines and named made it all the way to a park bout 6 blocks away.
"What... the hell... was that about?!". I  painted as I rested next to Dixie.
"Had to run, I knew some of those guys and they are bad news. I knew we should have been in that part of town."
"Well fuck it, at least it turned out ok" I said as I slightly chuckled.
"Hey, wanna go to the pizza company and eat there?"
"You know it, Dixie!"
As we made our way down the hill I noticed something was bothering Dixie but I wasn't sure if she wanted to spill. "Hey Dixie, you ok?" "Ya I guess but I'll text you later about it."
"Oh ok sounds good."
I tried not to make eye contact with her just so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. When we got there we put our skateboards behind a bush just cause I can't trust people not to steal them, also I got a fairly new one about 2 weeks ago.

We decided to sit in the game room cause it nice to watch Tarzan while eating.
"What would you ladies like to have today?" The nice waiter asked us.
"We will both have sweet tea's and fish and chips please." Great choice, I'll be back soon!" He gave a welcoming smile then left. I started to day dream again about anything that just came up. Strangely enough that boy that I saw at the bridge caught my attention again. Those Crystal bold blue eyes, the way he looked at me, his jaw line and this tattoo I could see popping out of the sleeve of his jacket.  
"Hello Daisy." Dixie said as she snapped he fingers in front of my face.

"What are you thinking about this time."
I finally popped back into reality and paused to answer the question.
"Oh um well... Its nothing just stupid stuff."
"Oh well ok, but back to the question I was trying to ask you. Have you seen the movie "Mercy" yet?"
"Dixie you know my mom hates when I try to watch rated R stuff."
"Excuse me, says the person who's 16 and that watches rated R stuff anyways."
She sounded surprised.
"Hey fine can I come by your place tomorrow after school and hang with you?"

"Daisy of course you can, I bought the movie so we can stay up and watch that!"
"If I do I can't stay up later than 2:00 am since its a school night."
Oh right but still it will be fun!"
"Ok. That was really great fish and chips and thanks for hanging with me but I have to go back home since its 9:00and I told my mom I would be home at 8 but I bet she won't care too much."
"Oh ok see you tomorrow!"

I started my way back up the hill to my house. I crept through the front door but bumped into a table making the it fall with a loud crash. I cringed but kept walking up to the stairs. I started to go to my room when I got a text in my bag causing it to go off pretty loudly. I looked to see who texted me and strangely it was my mom.

(Text between her mom and Daisy)

Ya, nice try honey but I know when you come
In the house you always make a lot of noise.

But am I in trouble?

No your not unless you don't go to bed now

Good night, love you to death😘

Love you good night and sweet dream🌌💖

One thing my mom and I do a lot is text each other more than actually talk to each other since she knows how loud and annoying I can be so she normally doesn't want to bother with me but I'm fine with it, less yelling.

I ran upstairs and got into my back Nike shorts and put on a big baseball shirt that my dad gave me. I jumped into bed and went onto my phone and put on my ear plugs and played pandora again until it was 12:30. I got tired probably from doing so much with Dixie today. I then left the music play while my mind drifted away.

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