!! Author's note !!

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Hello there! Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoy the story I've got laid out. My name is Tyler, I'm a transmasc nonbinary author who's really interested in sharing my silly oc stories. One day I hope to have one of these books in a physical copy, sold in local bookstores. :]

I have ADHD, which means I can get distracted or lose interest in things very easy. This is important because even though this story is something I really do want to work on, I have about 500 other ocs (/hj) that I'm working on as well. I'm going to try my absolute hardest to get through this not just for anyone reading but for myself as well. I want to be able to work on something and prove to myself I can stay focused on a project for more than five minutes lol

I wrote the first part of chapter one a few months ago, and my writing style has changed a lot since then. I apologize in advance for any mistakes in grammar or storyline, and I hope it's decent enough. 👍

Enjoy !!

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