The beginning of Coffee Chronicles

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(Well it took about almost two years but I finally got the cafe ready to open. I thought that would never happen with how much.) Lava Hook's thought to themselves as they turn on their open sign to their cafe called Coffee Chronicles. They go to behind the counter as they wait for people to start arriving. Before they officially opened their cafe today Lava Hook's had put advertisements about their cafe in newspapers and even made a official website about their cafe Coffee Chronicles so people can see what they have at their cafe. Lava Hook's wasn't expecting to see a huge line of many poptropicans outside their cafe immediately, they just hoped for at least a few customers would come in today. The location of Coffee Chronicles was a bit hidden on the island where Lava Hook runs the cafe, but it wasn't far from where they lived plus it wasn't extremely expensive to buy the place and turn it into a cafe to them. Anyways as Lava Hook's was scrolling on their phone looking at the website for their cafe, to see how other poptropicans are reacting to a new cafe opening up. But they glanced up when they heard the bell hanging on the front door to the cafe open up. Lava Hook didn't fully notice who it was at first until they fully looked up as they said "Welcome to Coffee Chronicles, how may I help you today?" Though they did realize after saying that the poptropican who came into their cafe was actually well known...but not in a heroic/celebrity kind of way. It was Director D who had entered Lava Hook's cafe. Director D had a neutral expression on his face while wearing his signature outfit. (Well pop out of all the scenarios I thought about, I didn't think a well known villain would be my first customer...though he doesn't seem like he's up to anything bad. He probably just wants some coffee.) Lava Hook's thought as Director D who was glancing over the menu above where Lava Hook's was standing behind the counter finally spoke up. "Ah yes may I just order a medium black coffee?" Director D says to Lava Hook who nods their head as they placed the order into a machine before saying to Director D "Of course and I also have a selection of many different pastries if you wish to buy some. But will it just be the medium black coffee?" Lava Hook asked with a calm yet professional tone to which caught Director D off guard a bit as he wasn't expecting them to act so calm yet professional considering who Director D was. Though he masked his surprised look decently as he cleared his throat before saying to them "I'm good with just the black coffee thank you." To which Lava Hook's nods his head once again before saying "Alright then your order total will be $2.35 and I will have your black coffee ready very shortly. Feel free to have a seat at a table while you wait." Lava Hook says to Director D who had inserted his debit card into the card machine to pay for the medium cup of black coffee he ordered. Once Director D did that he sits down at a small table inside of Coffee Chronicles while Lava Hook was brewing up some black coffee for Director D. Director D glanced around the cafe as some classical piano music plays in the background. Director D had glanced over at Lava Hook who was working on his order. Director D couldn't help but feel curious about why Lava Hook didn't make him leave their cafe when he first entered Coffee Chronicles. Soon enough Director D snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a medium sized coffee cup was placed in front of him at the table he was sitting at. Director D did also noticed Lava Hook's name tag as they placed down his order Lava Hook's says to him "Here's the medium black coffee you ordered. There's sugar packets here by the napkins also if you need it. Enjoy your black coffee." Lava Hook says to Director D as they go back to behind the counter. Director D says a small thank you to Lava Hook before Lava Hook went back to behind the counter. Director D once he notices Lava Hook wasn't watching him did open two of the small sugar packets that were on the table and pours it into his black coffee before he stirs it with a small straw before taking a small sip of the black coffee. The black coffee was brewed very nicely and the cafe itself gave off a comfortable yet calming vibe to it which isn't a common feeling Director D feels usually. Considering he is not just a well known villain in all of Poptropica but also being the leader of a well secured agency has made it to where having any moments of peace would be very and I mean very rare moments. As Director D sips his black coffee he feels his phone vibrates in his pocket before he pulls it out to see what was happening. It was a message from Dr.Hare who was asking him where he was. Director D sends a message back to Dr.Hare explaining that he was at a new cafe he discovered online called Coffee Chronicles. Director D did also mention in the message that the owner didn't freak out when he entered the cafe. Dr.Hare responded back which was just him being surprised as well since usually with most of the villains they are usually not welcomed into many stores, restaurants, or cafes. Anyways after a bit of time past Director D had stood up from the table he was sitting at as he grabbed his coffee cup. He was about the leave when he stopped himself and glanced back at Lava Hook who was seen sweeping a bit behind the counter. Director D thought for a moment before deciding to asked Lava Hook a question. "Excuse me...Lava Hook isn't it? Is it okay if I ask you a question?" Director D says as Lava Hook's who was cleaning the counter a bit looks up at Director D before saying to him and says "Oh of course you can ask me a question. What is your question?" To which Director D thinks for a moment before asking Lava Hook "Well this might be seen as an odd question but I can't help but feel curious about it. Why did you stay calm when I entered your cafe? Usually poptropicans aren't that calm around villains like myself." To which after Director D says that Lava Hook stays silent for a moment before they respond with "Oh well as long as you don't try robbing my cafe, make a huge mess on purpose in my cafe, and pay your order, I personally don't see any harm with having villains in my establishment." To which after Lava Hook says that Director D does a small hum sound before saying to them "I see, well I appreciate that thank you." Before walking to the front door to Coffee Chronicles. Lava Hook says to Director D as he leaves "Of course feel free to come again and tell others about Coffee Chronicles. Have a good day." To which Director D nods his head before leaving Coffee Chronicles. Just a bit after Director D left a few more poptropicans have arrived to Coffee Chronicles to which kept Lava Hook a bit busy. What Lava Hook didn't think about though was that Director D would mention their cafe to other poptropica villains about their cafe. But as long as they don't do anything stupid in Coffee Chronicles then Lava Hook's doesn't see any issues with having villains visit their cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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