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"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough."


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SIRENS echoed throughout the town of Beacon Hills, the hushed whispers of passerby's and the stolen glaces proved that something was wrong. A serene town had now turned into a place where people died often.

A BODY was found, or atleast half of it. The other half was still missing, it was truly a gruesome sight to behold, the Sheriff's Department were all hot on the trails they could manage to find, all this didn't stop a certain boy to continue his mischief.

STILES STILINSKI the mischievous son of the Sheriff of Beacon Hills had somehow managed to eavesdrop his way into the situation, not only that he also dragged his completely oblivious friend into it too, now here they were swiftly walking the woods like it was just another day.

SCOTT McCALL knew this was a bad idea but went ahead with it anyway, searching for the other half of the body seemed difficult than what they imagined, panting he walked behind his highly energetic friend who seemed way too happy to find a dead body, shaking his head he muttered his displeasure towards this plan.

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asks skeptically watching his friend hop out of the jeep with excitement, the said boy turns to his friend.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" He says patting him on the back and walking ahead with a flash light.

Scott watches his friend go "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." he tells him, still not liking the fact that they were going to find a dead body while the cops where still out looking for the body too.

"Right cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort" Stiles says with a scoff.

"No because I'm playing this year" Scott says offended "In fact, I'm making first line." He says with determination.

Stiles look back at his friend in disbelief "Hey, that's the spirit everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."

Scott let's out a scoff smiling at his friend knowing exactly what to say to make him feel like an idiot "Yeah exactly like your dream of going out with Dove Song."

"Hey! Not fair dude not fair" Stiles says stopping dead in his track turning towards his friend, who smiles innocently at him like he didn't just say what he said.

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott enquiries

"Huh, I didn't even think about that" Stiles says with a nervous chuckled now realising his mistake.

"And what if the person who killed the body is still out here?" Scott asks amused

"Also something I didn't think about." He replies as he goes to climbing upslope.

"it's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail" Scott says panting heavily.

"I know" Stiles groans our finally climbing up the slope and turns to look at his friend struggling to breathe.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight" He says leaning onto a tree, getting his inhaler out to control his erratic breathing.

Stiles runs to take cover as Scott follows him behind to hide from the group of police officers and police dog and turns his flashlight off.

"Wait" Stiles whispered looking around to make sure they are hidden and jumping up to run again "Come on!" He exclaims and starts running leaving Scott on his own who looks up at him.

"Stiles!" He cries out taking one more hit off his inhaler "Wait up!" Scott runs behind him trying to catch up with his best friend calling his name out to stop him.

As Stiles turns around to look at the shaggy haired boy he is nowhere to be found and suddenly he bumps into something and is partially blinded by the harsh light of a flash, he trips and falls on his rear startled by the bark of a dog, the animal jumps at him trying to hold him from running away.

"Hold it right there!" A voice shouts out, Scott who was about to catch up to his friend hides behind a tree.

"Hang on, hang on, this little delinquent belongs to me." Sheriff Stilinski says not even trying to hide his disdain.

"Dad how you doing?" Stiles looks up at his father guiltily.

"So, do you, uh listen in to all my phone calls?" Noah Stilinski asks

"No" Stiles says but looking at the 'really?' look on his father's face he caves in "Not the boring ones"

The Sheriff just nods and looks around for someone "Now, where's your usual partner in crime?"

"Who Scott?" Stiles asks acting as if his question was ridiculous.

"Scott's home, he said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for first day back at school tomorrow, it's just me, in the woods, Alone" he replies breathing heavily, not sounding a least bit convincing. His father points the flash light towards the direction his son came from to check if he was telling the truth.

"Scott! You out there?" He calls out as the said boy ducks behind the tree "Scott!" getting no reply he turns back to his son with a disappointed sign.

"Well young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car" Noah says dragging his son by the back of his shirt, Stiles stumbles with a grimace, knowing he's going to be in big trouble "and you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy"

Scott who was watching the whole ordeal let's out a string of curses, and walks back home through the same route he came from but he seems to be lost, looking around for a sign. The hooting of an owl startled him, he stops to use his inhaler and notices something in the woods, he stares at it intently but he is thrown off by a herd of deers running by him almost trampling him over, he accidentally drops his inhaler due to the sudden intrusion. He tries to protect himself by covering his chest and head with his arms.

Finally when the deers are gone he slowly gets off the ground and tries looking around for his inhaler with the small light from his phone, when he is looking for the inhaler he staggeres back with a small shout as he finds the half dead body of the women staring up at him, her mouth half open, he topples down a steep path, frightened by the sight of something so horrifying and crashes into a tree and falls down into a heap of dried leaves.

He gets up to look around and he stopped in his tracks by a growl he slowly turns around to face an animal, he wasn't sure what is was, with black fur and glowing red eyes it stares at him, he is frozen in fear as the weird animals jumps at him with a growl and drags him towards itself and bites him, with a pain stricken shout Scott escapes the clutches of the animals and runs as fast as he can, not bothering to looks around he almost crashes into a car but it drives past him. Breathing heavily he lifts up his shirt to see the damage done by the animal, deep teeth marks are embedded into his skin, blood spilling out.

A wolf howling makes him look up in surprise.

A wolf howling makes him look up in surprise

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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