A test of stamina

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  My younger brother kept thrusting me while blabbering all the time we are having sex.

  11th brother: I am glad that I am a guide. I don't have to wear glasses to have clear vision anymore.

It is such a good feeling that I get to see you naked without glasses. You must have thought that I was wearing lenses but the fact is I became a guide.

I enjoyed having sex with you for a long time. You have good endurance too.

He kept nibbling all over my body. He kissed me, my lips, my chin, my neck, my shoulders so on...

I am glad that you have such a broad shoulders. Bottoms in a gay sex usually have thin shoulders. I like it that you are both cute and hot.

He and I came so many times.

You have a lot of strength now. Ok, enough sex for today.

After he was done, he cleaned me up and took me for a bath.

I was still in cuffs.

He showered me and dried me up. I was worried we would have sex in the bathroom but he didn't do it.

Seems he likes doing it in bed only.

He left without giving me any clothes. I am feeling embarrassed.

He locked the room. I slept in bed since I don't have anything to do.

At least, give me some games to play or time to rest you bastards!

Late in the evening, those twin brothers came to my room.

My 4th brother had a leash with him. He has an immoral look in his eyes. My 5th brother looks excited too.

Anything my 4th brother decides, 5th brother agrees and goes along with it. I wish my 5th brother would disagree with him atleast once.

4th brother: Look what I have brought for you? A leash made of dragon scales. It was hard defeating a dragon.

5th brother: we especially sourced it for you. we customized it to be soft on your neck.

Yun: you guys are simply wasting those monster materials. You should know those monsters are dangerous. You are just taking advantage of your company.

4th brother: hey, it is not that bad. We do it for free without government rewards sometimes besides we could give those espers what they want.

5th brother: we work really hard being espers you know? Why are you complaining when you could do nothing and we are taking care of you?

Yun: I do not want to be taken care of you guys! I wish I could live away from you.

Both of them looked mad.

4th brother: how exactly do you plan on living away from us?

5th brother: how will you earn money?

Yun: I am an esper and I already money using that. Having a guide is not really a problem for me since I am strong, I will just endure.

4th brother: I was told that you are the strongest esper by the 1st brother. Let's see how much stamina and endurance you have.

5th brother: yes brother, let's see how much stamina he has.

I knew immediately what they were thinking of.

4th brother: we will have turns taking sex with you.

5th brother: let's count both of us having sex with you as one round.

My body trembled immediately. I bit my lips as I regret provoking those twin brothers.

My 4th brother put the leash on my neck and removed my cuffs on my hands and legs.

I tried moving around but my 5th brother has me in a choke hold, "don't you try to move away from us, you can't escape from me."

My 5th brother held me with my back against his chest while my 4th brother spread my legs.

4th brother: since you had sex before, it doesn't take much time to prepare you.

5th brother: brother, then it won't be real test of stamina right. He is exhausted already.

4th brother: you are right. Let's feed him the dinner and rest for the night. Then we will have sex in the morning after his breakfast.

They tied the leash on my neck to the bed and left to get me the dinner.

When they came back to feed me the food, I refused.

4th brother: should you really be doing this? Eat your food.

5th brother: we are really considerate. We even thought of feeding you so that you will gain your stamina.

4th brother: yeah, I can even give you some guidance.

5th brother: come on brother, don't be like this and have sex with us.

Yun: why would I have sex with you?

4th brother: if you don't have sex with us, we would have no choice but to make your memories vanish and train you as our slave.

5th brother: yeah, even though removing your memories is not really fool proof. Imagine getting your memories back after we make you our slave.

4th brother: we have lot of means to make your memories vanish although I would prefer to hypnotize you as I really don't want to harm you.

5th brother: me too brother, I really don't want to harm him.

My body shuddered at their vile thoughts. They are really capable of making me their slave. I don't want that.

Yun: I want to eat dinner.

I didn't want to agree. My brothers have a thin smile while looking at each other.

==To be continued.

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