Mountain lodges may not be our thing

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December in Utah was certainly different from December in North Carolina. Especially with my entire family. The very same family who has been called "Dysfunctional" on multiple school papers. But this was the Christmas vacation. A time for happiness and love. Nope

"Addie!" My mom shouts from the car as I'm shoving the last essentials into my carry on bag.
"I'm coming!" I yell, and dash out of my room nearly tripping over the bottom steps. I throw myself out the front door and into my dads station wagon. I wrap my cardigan sweater tighter around my torso as I adjust from cold outside air to warm car air. Of course it doesn't help that it's 4:00 in the morning.
"Well troops, let's get outta Chapel Hill." and he starts the engine


Jane shoved her hand out the arm of her sweater three times before she realized why it was so uncomfortable. She pulled her arm out grabbed the end of her shirt and stuck her arm through again. Finally satisfied, she swung her back pack over her shoulder and went out to the living room.
"Zack!" Jane's dad called.
"How much you wanna bet he's not even out of bed yet?"
"Just a thought" she said putting her hands up in mock surrender. Zack threw himself into the room,
"I'm here!" His hair was rumpled but he was dressed so it was a start

Jane looked out of the car window at the approaching airport and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She went to her text messages and pulled up her cousin Addie.

J: on your way to the airport?
A: yeah finally
J: did Hal leave his shoes again?
A: hah! Almost, this time he forgot his headphones
J: lol typical Hal
A: yup, see you soon at the gate!

Jane smiled and shoved her phone into her pocket just as her mom pulled into a parking place.
"Ok let's go!" And everyone psd out of the car to take their stuff out of the trunk.


Once we cleared security, we were running to get to the gate.
"C'mon Hal! You're so close!" Ah dad the peppy drill sergeant, always get up and go. Even if 10 year old Hal is completely and totally out of breath.
"Dad chill!" I say, silently urging Hal to push on.
"I am chill."
"No, you're Dad."
"You can't dad joke your dad!"
"I just did!"
We were finally to the gate and I stood on tiptoe to try and see Jane or Zack. I spotted them near the back and beckoned to Hal to come with me while mom and dad get everything sorted out at the desk.
"Hey!" I flop into the seat across from Jane, she looks up from her phone and smiles,
"Ugh I saw you for dinner less than a week ago but it was too long."
"Oh my god yes, Raleigh and Chapel Hill are not close enough" I laugh
"C'mon it's only 35 minutes by car."
"In good traffic." we laugh and joke for a while before my parents and Aunt Kathy and Uncle George come over dad grabs his stuff,
"Time to get the heck outta Raleigh."

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