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"Welcome home again Avian" 

An older teenage girl called out to a well dressed boy.

"Have you made any big achievements?"

"Oh yes! I definitely have! And I'm willing to share them with you Serena!" Avian called back.

Avian walked towards Serena with bundles of candles. He knew that Serena adored candles due to the inability to be able to see what was beyond the ocean. 

"Oh my gosh! Avian! You have 43 candles! Where am to ever put these?!" Serena cried out in surprise. 

"You should share them with your friends!" Avian laughed.

"But June is gonna munch on them all!" Serena said.

"Don't worry, I know you'll be able to handle your cute Krockie." Avian remarked as he cleaned up the bags, tossing them into a nearby compost bin. "Sorry for the abrupt stop to this short visit, but I have a meeting to get to, we're releasing another candle that's called "Berry Bombard". 

"Oh! Oh my god, you better hurry along then!" Serena beckoned. 

Serena took Avian to the surface and waved her hand before descending back into the depths of the water. Serena then headed to a room full of math equipment and found exactly who she was looking for. 


"What?! Did you have fun with Avi?" Koi looked annoyed, for a good reason. Avian didn't stay with the rest of them.

"He brought me 43 candles! Do you want one?" Serena asked.

This, Koi did not deny, he absolutely loved Avian's candles. "Oh of course! I will definitely take one, did he bring the Frostbite Mint scented candle?"

"Indeed he did!" Serena said as she passed Koi the candle. 

Koi looked around, "He brought so many candles, what are you gonna do with all of them? We only have 8 people down here." 

"I'll hand them out first, and save the rest in the eternity cave." Serena calmly said, as she collected all the candles and set them down in a large blue box. 

"Wait! Can I get one for Felix?" Koi asked, pointing at his crab. 

"Of course you can!" Serena replied while getting out a Seafood flavored candle. 

Serena had successfully handed out 19 candles and headed towards Eternity Cave. On the way there, she saw a couple of orcas and asked if they could give her a ride towards Eternity Cave. Once she reached the entrance she felt a pang of sadness, this is where they buried her sister, Sienna, due to the mistreatment from her parents. 

Serena and Sienna hadn't always lived under the waters, they had simply been abandoned by their parents, and a group of mysterious underwater residents took them in. Sienna died at 16, to which, Serena was only 12 at the time. Serena and Sienna always knew they had a brother named Zhenyuan but they didn't know where he went. Zhenyuan had a twin brother, named Zenith, when Sienna died, Zenith was 4, totally unaware of his surroundings. 

Serena quickly set down the candles and scampered away from the cave. The moment she came outside she heard some rumbling. She swam a little further and there, she saw a young man fall out of the boat and was descending towards the sharpest rocks of the ocean at an overwhelming pace. 

All Serena could do was swim as fast as she could and hope he wouldn't fall to his death, like the hundreds of others. 

Once Serena reached, she could no longer see where the young man had landed. Frantically, she swam around searching for him. Serena spotted his jacket not too far away and rushed over, There she saw a pale and fragile boy. 

Some animals nearby had seen the frantic search for the young boy who had fallen into the death stones, to which some glided over to to help, while other rushed away to report the incident. Soon, Juna was next to Serena gentily picking up the young lad, before transporting him to a whale's back and rushing away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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