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It was July 3rd. The elections were tomorrow. Joe Biden and Donald trump had been avoiding eachother. Anytime they were seen together people went rampage.

"Good day Donald" Joe said. His tone stern and cold.

"Good day Joe." Donald replied giving a glare.

They both walked off. Joe going to his room.

"I hate that damn orange." Joe spoke to himself, but he was lying. He sat on his bed resting his head in his palms.

His mind raced with thoughts about the upcoming election. He hoped he would win,but he also knew if he won it would destroy Donald.

Why did he care? They were rivals. Right..?

Apart of him didn't want to win. Apart of him wanted to see Donald happy as the ruler.. apart of him didn't care if he lost or won.

It was around 8pm.. Joe looked down at his feet before sighing and getting up. He looked out the window nervous about the big day ahead of him tomorrow.

He exited his room and headed to the courtroom. Dinner was being severed. He took his seat in the chair labeled "Joe Biden".

As a waiter sat a plate down infront of him he noticed a familiar orange man. It was Donald.

He quickly focused on his food not wanting to face him just yet.

Donald took his seat infront of Joe. He kept his gaze low and soft. He couldn't tell how Joe felt and he didn't want to figure it out in a bad way.

He glanced up as the waiter put some food infront of him, soon leaving Biden and trump alone.

They ate in silence for a little. The only sound being their breathing and chewing. Someone had to break the silence soon.

It was an awkward and uncomfortable silence. They both had a lot of questions. Things they wanted to say to one another but no one would speak up first.

Until Biden interrupted the silence.

He cleared his throat before speaking "Donald..Good luck on tomorrow election." his voice a bit shaky from nervous-ness.

"You too Joe.. I wanted to ask something.." donald trailed off. Keeping his gaze to the food infront of him.

Joe was surprised,but okay with it. He told Donald to go on and ask his question, waiting in anticipation.

"I've been..I've been thinking that maybe I don't.. I don't want to win the election." He said sternly looking up at Joe.

Joe's eyes widened. What was Donald getting at here? Was he just simply giving up..?

"I want you to win Joe.." he admitted with a sigh. A light blush coming to his cheeks. His mind raced at what Joe could possibly be thinking of right now.

"W-wait.. No you can't just give up Donald" he said concerned. Subconsciously leaning closer to trump over the table.

"I want to see you happy Joe.." Donald added. His voice shaky.

"We have to fight for it! That's what we are! Rivals right..? We have to keep fighting" joe said his voice breaking. His expression tender.

Trumps eyes widened seeing Biden begin to cry. He didn't expect for him to react like this.. he had expected Joe to be happy that he would be president. That they didn't have to fight it out.

"But..don't you want to be president?" Donald said tilting his head. He was somewhat lost. This wasn't what was supposed to happen at all.

"Well.. yeah but.. I wanted to fight for it.. I wanted to fight with YOU" Joe said bringing a hand to his face wiping his tears away,but they just kept coming.

Unfortunately that had come out way different that Joe wanted it to.

"W-what..?" Donald blushed confused. What did that even mean? Why did Joe want to fight with Donald specifically.

Joe paused for a minute trying to find a way to reword what he was saying. Joe felt as if the two of them stopped fighting they would no longer be anything. They would be "friends" "rivals" or anything. Joe wanted to be Donald's something more than anything.

"I just.. I just thought we would keep fighting.. keep being rivals.. me and you" joe looked down at his feet. He was no longer hungry. Even if he was there was no way he could eat after this. He felt sick to his stomach.

"But..but why?" Trump asked.

Biden didn't want to answer. He didn't have an answer. He didn't know why he couldn't stand not meaning anything to trump negative or not.

Biden walked off and out of the courtroom not bothering to clean up his plate. Besides he knew a worker would do it later anyway.

He went straight to his room and laid on his bed too lazy to change his clothes.

He rubbed his red eyes as he made himself comfortable. He tried to calm his racing thoughts but nothing was working.

He tried to figure out why he cared so much about what he meant to trump. He tried to figure out if Donald really meant what he said about letting him win. Tomorrow was he really going to be the only one showing up for the election.

Tears weld in his eyes once more as the thought passed. They wouldn't be rivals anymore after today. Saying it to himself just hurt even more.

He turned over and cried untill he slowly drifted off to sleep.


Chat. Why did I write this 😭

920 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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