ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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I don't know how long I've been in this room, how long I've been pacing, hoping, praying to the gods. People have come and gone the past two days but I haven't been able to get myself to. The thought that my future wife, my mate, is in a coma and there's no way to tell when she'll get out of it. I want to know what's happening and it's fucking killing me that I can't.

I hear the doors begin to open and I look up from my seat by her bed and see Freyja's ladies maid. She's been by quite a lot the past two days, I've come to find out that her name is Casta. She's one of the better humans I've met, she's kind but strong willed, she's not afraid to speak her mind, and she is very protective of Freyja. Lillian would like her.

"You're still here." She acknowledges, I look down at the woven basket in her hand with freshly cleaned blankets. I look back at the woman in front of me.

"No where else I would rather be." I almost don't recognize the voice that comes out of me. Tired and hoarse from lack of water and food.

"No offence," She begins, "but you look horrible." I don't laugh or really do anything, I know I do. I feel it too. I don't reply, and in a few seconds a woven basket lands beside my head followed by Casta. She's made a habit of coming here when she's folding things so that she can be with the princess.

"You don't mind helping me fold some of these, do you?" I look up at her and the cover she's holding in her hands, the worry in her eyes, so much kindness for someone she doesn't even know. It's admirable.

"Not at all." I mutter before turning to help her, grabbing a cover and folding it. We're silent for a moment, the only sound is the light chatter happening outside of the castle and maybe the sounds of my heartbeat. Not knowing how she's doing has me freaking out. Usually with our mating bond, even though she hasn't accepted it I can feel her. I can feel her life, her love, her pain, but right now it feels as though it's a thousand miles away. Not broken, but distant.

I feel Casta's gaze on me within a few moments and I have to fight the urge to look back at her. Once I realise that it's not going to leave I give in and turn to look at her with a sigh. She looks caught off guard and instantly tries to look away to act like she wasn't just staring at me for a full minute but soon enough she realises that it was too late.

"I'm sorry." Is all she says, keeping her head down and her gaze focused on the covers in hand.

"Did you want to say something?" She glances over to me but back to the cover, she stares at it for a moment contemplating before putting it down and looking at me with her arms crossed in front of her.

"Why her?" She asks and I become confused,

"What do you mean?" I ask,

"I mean," she sighs, taking a breath. "Why Freyja, why did you propose to the king to marry her? Why-" She cuts herself off, the question either adding or taking weight off her shoulders. "Why choose a human, a human that knows nothing of your kind, who has a life here and family. What could you possibly want with her?"

The question makes sense, I will say that. Though, I can't help but feel slightly angered at the question especially when I realise what all she is asking, the parts she didn't specifically say.

"One thing I will tell you, Casta, is that Freyja is not human." At this she becomes blatantly confused. "Not fully, I can't tell you why, that is a secret that will have to be withheld until we are in Onrelbion. But, it is true, and her being here in this world, cut off from her power that is growing stronger by the day especially with me here,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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