new school new me

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tweek is the new student at south park high school. He wakes up to the sound of loud big footsteps coming up the stairs. Still he doesn't wake up because he was having a really good dream about lucy from the lego movie.
however, he does wake up when he hears the sound of gunshots.
"Holy bazinga! What the fart is going on?" he screams because there was gunshots. yet his screams just alerted whoever had the gun. The footsteps get thunderous as the hurry up his stairs. Tweek runs to the hide in the closet like the cardi b slur he is.
His door busts open and through the crack of his closet he can see joy from the hit movies inside out and inside two.
"TWEEK IT OK IM JOY" joy screams. Suddenly, Tweek feels joyous. Then, disgust comes out and tweek vomits because disgust.
"ENVY, SADNESS STOP. Tweek you're perfect." disgust says.
"what the butt" tweek blinks at the two colorful women in front of him.
"TWEEK IT OK IT TIME FOR SCHOOL" joy spoke calmly. Tweek looks at his window.
"It's literally the color of my asscrack. pitch fucking black it's not time for school stuipidaahh" tweek replied joyously.
disgust looks disgust. "EMBARRASSMENT STOP. let go of the panel."
"What??" Tweek squints. "i literally took my meds youre now real what??"

approximately 1 hour later tweek is at school

tweek forgot that he's lowkey going to a new villa and he don't know shit abt anyone hear. Rlly he don't care tho bc like why would he? he's more scared of the teacher because when he walked into his home room, a foul oder enter his nostrils.
"Aurg dear god it smells like fish" tweek pinches his nose. suddenly all eyes are on him.
"What did you just say" the fat bitch in the corner says. It's clyde
"I say it smells like a fucking underwater morgue u big ass bitch."
suddenly a woman who looks half melted spins in her chair. it was mama owl.
"You better leave this class." mama owl threatens
"what???" tweek looks confused.
"if you don't leave" butters stands up "she'll make you"
"no butters i don't need ur help" mama owl waves dissmisiñy. too late cuz then the whole class was standing
"she can" stan says
"she will" bebe added.
"and well make you if you don't" eric finished.
tweek left to go to detention on his first day

tweek at south parkWhere stories live. Discover now