A car crash destroyed my life (Part 2 FINAL PART)

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Hello! It's me, Agnis, and I'm Diana's daughter! So, you know how I have a super cool mom who fought the guy that killed her parents but ended up marrying the guy's son (my dad)...

But before I start my story, please vote and follow (ugh the author makes me say that..)

A/N: hey it's called advertisement Agnis!

Well, a few weeks ago, my mom went MISSING.

And I started to worry it's my dad's fault.

So I decided to do a bit of digging. First, I managed to contact Artemis, who was my mother's best friend (She's so famous she was even in a whole MSA VIDEO!)

Artemis knew my mom more than anybody, so we decided to do a bit of digging. First, we examined her room head to toe, and just as we were about to loose hope, we managed to find a piece of code carved on the side of the bed.


We managed to decipher it and we saw this:

sorcerers stone in closet

What did that mean?

But we used the clue and walked to her closet, this time we noticed a button that wasn't there before!

Once we pressed it, I was able to understand the meaning of the note.

This passageway was designed exactly like the passage to the Sorcerer's Stone in the first book of Harry Potter.

First we had to get through the dog (presumably called Fluffy), then the Devil's snare, and other challenges.

Once we got to the potions room, Artemis told me to go on myself. She said she'd be there for me if I needed her help.

I was able to get past the next few rooms swiftly and easily. 

And then I got to the troll.

Pfft, I thought, easy win.

Everyone knows a troll's weakness is it's stomach!

So I gave it a swift kick in the stomach a few times, and when it tried to stomp on me, I ran under it's legs. Then the troll tripped and fell. Due to the immense pain in the stomach, it wasn't able to get up, and I proceeded to the next room where I found my mother!

"AGNIS!" she said, full with glee. "MOM!" I screamed happily.

She explained to me that this was all a challenge, and that she wanted to see if I was trained to fight anyone in the future!

"I'm so proud of you," she told me, and those were the best words I've heard in my life.

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