Mg and lizzie first fight

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Mgs pov
Lizzies life is at risk right now, I need to protect her. Lizzie says " what do you think you're doing". I say " I'm doing my job and protecting,my girlfirend". She says " Milton it is not you're job to protect me, this is,my fight so please just let me fight it". I say " lizzie I love you so much and I can't aford to loose you". She says " I love you to but we're over if you can't accept my choice". I leave the room and go outside to fight the monster threatening lizzie".

Lizzies pov
I run around the school looking for mg and see mom. She says " lizzie what's happend". I say " we had a fight, I can't find him, I think we're over,I really regret it". Mom says " darling he just wants to,protect you, he's a good person, just apologise if you find him". I look,at her and say " you saw him,going out didn't you". She nods, I run outside and see mg runing back. He picks me up and says " it's over lizzie I've killed it". I kiss him and say " I'm so sorry about our fight, I didn't mean any of it, I love you so much and I just wanted to protect you". He says " lizzie it's okay, I know you just wanted to protect me but you need to understand I'd rather die than let anything happen to you".

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