CHAPTER 1: Lovers can be exes.

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The moment the airplane Kenzo was on landed, his eyes roamed around the airport, searching for his friend who had promised to pick him up. However, he saw no one familiar. He tried contacting Clyde and Clyde's husband, but neither of them was available. Left with no other option, Kenzo decided to walk and rent a taxi instead.

But his steps stopped when he felt someone hold his arm. To his surprise, it was Janus, smiling shyly at him. Three years but the man has the same features as before- cute yet handsome at the same time and Kenzo would not deny that.

"Hi?" Janus asked as he let go of Kenzo's arm, the warmth that slightly lingered was soon replaced with the cold wind of the airport. "Have you been here for a while? Sorry, I got caught up in traffic going here."

Kenzo was taken aback but managed a casual smile. "The plane just landed a few minutes ago," he replied. He looked around, trying to find their other friends, but Janus suddenly spoke again, this time with a hint of hesitation. "If you're looking for them, sorry but they asked me to fetch you instead. Is it okay with you?"

Kenzo's brows furrowed upon hearing Janus' tone, but he immediately shook it off. "No, no. It's fine, actually. It's just that I don't want to bother you." he said, chuckling a bit.

Janus handed Kenzo's luggage and helped him pull them towards the car. "Don't mind it. We're going to the same place anyway," Janus replied.

"Yeah. I would have rented a taxi but glad you came on time." Kenzo said.

Janus just nodded and opened the car door for Kenzo, gesturing for him to get in. "Anyway, have you had breakfast?"

Kenzo smiled appreciatively and climbed into the passenger seat, settling in as Janus closed the door behind him. "Hmm? I had a light meal on the plane but I'm quite famished already, don't know why." he asked, glancing at Janus.

Janus nodded with a smile. "Good thing, I haven't eaten breakfast, either. Do you have any particular cravings?" He got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"I'm craving silog, I miss eating that," Kenzo replied, unintentionally bringing back memories of the times they used to eat together at the tapsilogan near their university years ago.

Janus stayed still for a moment, a bitter smile crossing his face. Kenzo noticed and immediately tried to brush off the awkwardness. "But it's your choice, I'm fine with wherever you want," he said quickly.

Janus took a deep breath and nodded, his smile returning to a more genuine one. "Let's have tapsi, then. Let's visit that eatery where we used to eat back then," he said, driving off towards a familiar eatery they both used to love.

Kenzo relaxed a bit, grateful for Janus' effort to make things comfortable. "Thanks," he said softly.

For years since he lived in Japan, finding Filipino food had been difficult for him. Though he knew how to cook some Filipino dishes, nothing compared to tasting the authentic flavors again. Having the chance to try this plate of tapsilog was pure heaven for him.

When their order arrived, Kenzo's eyes immediately sparkled at the sight of the plate of tapsilog - slightly roasted beef tapa with garlic fried rice topped with a generous amount of garlic bits, sunny side-up with toasted edges and tomatoes and cucumbers on the side. Just the same plate that Janus used to order for him.

Janus, on the other hand, transferred the cucumbers from Kenzo's plate and put them on his. He knew how much the younger disliked cucumbers and he used to eat his portion back then. He couldn't help but smile as he watched Kenzo enjoy the food. He found himself unable to look away from Kenzo's beauty before him. It felt like time had stood still, transporting them back to their college days when they used to date and frequent humble places like this together. Memories flooded back, and Janus felt a mixture of nostalgia and warmth seeing Kenzo in his element.

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