19. Asshole

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I woke up, I saw my surrounding

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I woke up, I saw my surrounding. Nothing is strange or different.
But I am.

I remember last night. I smiled, my eyes still sleepy.
I had the best sleep last night.
I stretched my hand as I sat up.

Good morning, world!

I am in a good mood today.
My smile remained, as I went in the bathroom to freshen up.
I think of my day as I brush up.
What am I supposed to do, today?

Now that everything is done, should I go? Is that all he wants? But then why did he touch me yesterday? Is there another mission? Do I have to leave?

Question started running in my mind. I shook my thoughts as I continued brushing.

My pussy ached from last night but it felt good. It remindes me of him.
My smiled dropped.
Why did he do that yesterday?
This question came straight to my brain.

I mean, I did intimidate him. But in my defense I was drunk.
Ok, I was not
But I was a little.
I was not sober.
It does count.

And I remember everything, every detail.
My body shiver as I thought of that.

Was he also got caught up in the moment or was it something.

I head hurted a little. Hangover.
I didn't even drink that much.
Fucking whiskey.

I showered and dressed up. I reached the stairs but I remembered the question that's been bothering me.
Why not ask him right now.

I stood up in front of his room. It's farthest from liz and my room.
I wore a smile flower dress, it's not particularly my style but it does suit me.

Same gave it to me.
I really should take my clothes with me.
If I'm not going today.

But It still gives me innocent vibes. I smirked and knocked.
Nobody answered so I knocked again.
The door opened with him standing in the doorway,
With just a towel around his waist.

How the fuck can this day get any better?

"Good morning, prince Charming" I smiled at him, my smirk playing at my lips.
"Not quite good now" He claimed coldly.
"Not a morning person" I playfully narrowed my eyes.
"No, just not your person"

I laughed wholeheartedly. "So funny" I waved my hand at him "you are my person" I sigh and smiled at him.

"Stepping aside your joke, I wanted to talk" His eyes were narrowed. "What?"

I wanted to ask so many things at this moment. But I couldn't think of one thing.

"So I wanted to say...." I stopped and he raised his eyebrow "about yesterday?"
I smiled, my lips thinned.
"What about yesterday?" He asked as if he didn't even know.
"Yesterday?" I pressed my word.
"So?" His voice bored.

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