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Arjun and Subhanwita had returned from their trip of farm house

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Arjun and Subhanwita had returned from their trip of farm house. Abhi too returned home, and he was informed about the happy news of arrival of his sibling. He was too happy about that. He too along with Arjun started to take care of Subhanwita.

One weekend Arjun was preparing lunch for Subhanwita. He used to watch over her diet cooking food for her very often. Especially, his weekends were reserved for that purpose. Abhi was also present in kitchen for helping Arjun on his part as much as possible.

"Abhi, you should sit with your mother. She must be getting bored," Arjun looked at Abhi while stirring the curry.

"I am there with her also," Abhi smiled lovingly at his caring father.

"How is it possible? You are right here in front of me," Arjun was curious to know the logic behind Abhi's statement.

"I am right there in front of her too. The difference is my presence at here is real, and my presence at there is digital. I have played the the CD containing memories of my childhood. She is watching that," explaining Arjun, Abhi earned a look of admiration for himself from Arjun.

"My smart boy! Smart way of being with both of us! Still I would like you to sit with you mother and to enjoy. You are not that much grown up for responsibilities," As a father Arjun wasn't ready to imagine his son of tender age taking responsibilities on his shoulder that soon.

"I am ready for responsibilities, Papa. That's why you decided to make me an elder brother, didn't you?" Abhi resembled Arjun in matter of sense of responsibilities.

"So proud of you, my boy! I am too glad to see that you are cheering your responsibility, but I don't want you to grow up this soon," Arjun recalled how he had to grow up before time due to the unexpected challenges life had planned to make him face.

"After all, I have learned to be responsible from my parents. No matter how much I grow up you will always find the glimpse of mischief in me at the time of teasing maa unlike you. By the way, what are we preparing, Papa?" Abhi peeped into the pan on gas.

"Something which you mother won't like that much," Arjun commented with a chuckle.

Lunch was served on table. As expected Subhanwita's expression wasn't a praising one towards Arjun's efforts.

"I don't like this at all. Why did you make this?" Subhanwita put back the lid on bowl after noticing lentils of Spinach.

"It's simple, because it's healthy for you," Arjun took his seat beside her since he knew that was going to be long session with her.

"What about my choice? What about the taste?" She was irked till then.

"Your choice isn't healthy, and the food made by me isn't devoid of taste. Your health has to be looked after over taste," he chose to go with the insistence of her health.

"I didn't mean to remind you that. I am.........," the mention of her health reminded him the concerned statement of doctor about her pregnancy.

"Sorry, Arjun. It's me who have reminded you that," she admitted which actually was her fault.

"What are you both talking about?" Abhi had no clue about the conversation going on.

"Actually, we were referring about how your mother used to have pasta and noddles troubling me even at midnight when you were about to born," Arjun actioned himself to change the atmosphere.

"You both have to feed me whenever you cook anything I don't like. Then, I won't object," Subhanwita reciprocated his attempt with an adorable demand.

"We accept it," the duo of father and son uttered, simultaneously.

The trios exchanged smile before Subhanwita was fed, forgetting the tension appeared in the frame of family scenario.

So readers, here's the first part

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So readers, here's the first part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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