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After lunch, I slowly made my way to his office, softly knocking and waiting for an answer.

"Come in," the muffled voice says.

I open the door, lightly smiling.

"What can I do for you now?" I asked, looking at him.

"Well, the meeting will be starting soon, so just have a seat in the room you put the packets in."

He says, gracing at me quickly.

"Yes, sir," I say quickly before leaving, closing the door softly behind me. Walking quickly and quietly into the room, setting down in an empty chair in the corner.

I stare at the ceiling and count the small tiles. Boredom is growing quickly.

Dexter and Mr Greyson come in as well as a few other seemingly large staggering built men.

All the men looked at me but said nothing to me, which I was thankful for.

"Meredith, why are you sitting all the way over there?" Mr. Greyson says

"I don't want to get in the way." I say looking at all the intimidating men before me.

"Nonsense, come here." He gestures at me with his hand on an empty seat.

I simply nod, feeling uneasy about having so many eyes on me.

I set down.

Trying hard to clench with pain, my body still ridden in pain. The direct contact of the seat was not helping with the bruising that lingered on my body.

Once I sit down, I rest my head against my palm, keeping my gaze on the floor.

"Perché non ci hai detto che hai un nuovo assistente?" One of the guys says

{why didn't you tell us you got a new assistant?}

"Non l'ho ancora assunta. sta facendo un giro di prova per oggi e domani," Mr. Greyson replies.

{i have not hired her yet. she is doing a trial run for today and tomorrow}

"Se fossi in te la assumerei solo per guardarla. È una delizia per gli occhi."

{If I were you, I would hire her just to look at her. She is a treat for the eyes. }

"Chiudi la bocca. È ora di dare un'occhiata ai documenti. Non oggile." Mr. Greyson says, shaking his head.

{shut up your mouths. It's time to look over the files. Not oggile.}

I sat there in silence. I rub my fingers over my sore ribs once again. As the men were seemingly distracted.

Dexter looks at me and asks, "Are you okay?" Asking, looking at me with concern and question.

Now all the eyes are back on me. Unfortunately. "Yeah. I'm fine," I say quickly, convincingly retracing my hand from the sore side I was attempting to soothe.

Dexter looks at me for a few seconds as does everyone else.

Another man says, "Sono l'unico che pensa che sia una pessima bugiarda?"

{Am I the only one who thinks she is a terrible liar?}

"Sono sicuro che possiamo essere tutti d'accordo con te su questo." Dexter says. Looking at him in response.

"{I'm sure we can all agree with you on that."}

The meeting continued on as they discussed losses and profits.

"Meredith, do you mind getting everyone some water?" Mr. Greyson asked me, looking down at me as he stood.

"Yes, sir," I say before getting up from my chair and looking back, counting how many to get. Opening the refrigerator and grabbing the amount needed. I replace them with the bottles on the counter.

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