what 😭😭 | Chapter 20

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Cody: yo yo yo what's up guys

Cody: 😎

Duncan: ?

Heather: ew

Cody: what's wrong gang?

Harold: nothing much what about you

DJ: both of you shut up

Bridgette: oop.

Noah: Cody where are you even getting that stupid shit from

Cody: I saw it on my phone

Duncan: the off brand one?

Cody: die

Cody: some people say that to other people

Cody: so I've been testing it out

Justin: I really hope you get jumped

Heather: same

Noah: 💀

Duncan: I say it??

Courtney: no you don't

Courtney: shut up

Duncan: my fault gangy

Gwen: please stop

Gwen: you sound gross

Duncan: my bad

Geoff: Guys Bridgette is mad at me

DJ: aw man

DJ: what did you do

Bridgette: tell them.

Geoff: so

Geoff: I really want a dog

Geoff: but she said no and she's mad for some reason

Heather: there has to be a reason

Gwen: what does it look like


Lindsay: awww

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Lindsay: awww

Duncan: looks like Justin

Heather: LMAOOO

Justin: kys

Gwen: why is it so fat

Geoff: last owners fed him too much

Geoff: I don't think it can walk but I wanna help it work out

DJ: I would get it

Bridgette: i'm sorry DJ but you would get any animal.

DJ: true

Geoff: i'm getting it

Geoff: end of discussion

Noah: oh??

Owen: so

Owen: i was wondering

Gwen: changing the conversation, okay

Owen: shouldn't all rich people give everyone 100k

Owen: it would be fair

Duncan: just rob them

Duncan: easy money

Heather: holy please shut up

Duncan: you shut up

Duncan: white washed

Heather: softie

Duncan: wannabe queen bee

Heather: inmate

Duncan: baldie

Heather: kys

Heather: ima hurt you the next time I see you.

Harold: so what're we gonna do now gang 😎

*Duncan Kicked Harold*

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