Chapter 1: A Library of Fate

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In the heart of bustling Mumbai, where skyscrapers kissed the sky and traffic roared like an incessant beast, a young boy named Aryan stumbled upon an ancient library. Hidden away in an alley where modernity met history, the library seemed out of place, a relic from a forgotten era. Aryan, an inquisitive child of ten, had a penchant for exploring the unknown.One evening, while chasing a stray cat through the labyrinthine streets, he found himself before an imposing wooden door, its surface etched with symbols that seemed to pulse with life. Pushing it open, Aryan stepped into a world unlike any he'd known. Shelves lined with dusty tomes stretched into infinity, the air thick with the scent of old paper and secrets.As he wandered through the aisles, he came across a particularly large book, its cover adorned with intricate designs and the title "The Secrets of Time and Destiny" inscribed in golden letters. Compelled by an inexplicable force, Aryan opened the book. Its pages unfurled before him, revealing not just stories, but visions of different eras, legends, and truths of the universe. Hours turned into days as Aryan devoured the knowledge, his young mind expanding with each revelation.

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