Letter 1

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Dear Bully,

First day of senior year. But my life is already ruined. Because of you and your friends.

The teacher gave us a pop quiz on our first day at English class. I didn't mind since there wasn't any protest, but everybody groaned out of disgust.

After minutes of working, I finished my pop quiz. I kept quiet, though, and read my book. But when you saw me reading, you knew what it meant and got angry at me.

When the teacher was reading his own book, I decided to give my work to him early so I can continue to read my book. But that's when you humiliated me.

You tripped me while I was turning in my pop quiz. Everybody laughed at me. The teacher yelled at us to be quiet, but he told me I got detention for being an attention seeker.

After turning in my pop quiz, I went to my seat and started crying. You watched me cry and high-fived your friends.

Thanks a lot, you jerk.


- Victim

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