Talksy #1

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Monogram: Hello the-
Abigail: So... Am I the only normal person here?
Steph: Of course not!
Chris: Yeah. You're also not normal
Abigail: Rochelle, aren't you, maybe, drinking too much coffe?
Rochelle: sip More espresso, less depresso
Ernesto: It doesn't change the fact that you're mentally unstable and socially incompatibile
Malina:...I'm not sure what does it mean, but I'm pretty sure it offends me
Max: Wow, noice makeup, rawr!
Kozume: ...what?
Max: Sorry, I'm still in my scenemo phase
Jade: Bro, you're 7 seven years too old for this to be a phase, you're a fucking emo
Basil: Oh, so you're rich, huh?
Morgan: ...yes?
Basil: Name all your credit card numbers-

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 20 ⏰

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