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Who is she? She looks just like me.

I saw a man holding a woman in his arm as she bled to death.

What happened?

"Alfred, don't cry. I'll be fine." The woman said to him with a faint smile as she held his hand tightly.

"Well I'm not going to be fine, I can't live without you, Cassandra. Besides we can still treat you." The man squeezed her hand tight as he cried. His tears landed on the woman's cheeks who was smiling brightly despite her wounds.

"I love you Alfred." And the woman slowly lost her grip from the man's hand.

I walked towards them but as I stepped closer everything became black.


I opened my eyes as the morning light shone in my room.

"A dream, huh?" I murmured as I placed my hand on my forehead. I turned off the alarm and got out of bed and went to the shower. "Every night I always have that dream. Does it mean something?" I asked myself as the drops of water landed on my head.

"Here's your breakfast dear." My mom said as she placed the food on the table.

My mom's name is Sharon. She never told me about dad, where he was working or where he goes. He doesn't even have a picture. All I know is that she named me after father.

"Thanks mom." I said as I reached out for the hot sauce.

After I finished eating I took my bag and wore my shoes from the porch. "Mom I'm going to school now."

"Louise!" I looked at the direction of the voice and I saw my bestfriend running towards me as she waved her hand.

"Nikki!" I smiled and waved back.

Nikki is my Best friend since childhood. Our parents knew each other so we kind of grew up together.

"Guess what we're in the same class this year." She said excitedly. "Last year I was in the lower class so we didn't see each other often."

"Yeah." I answered with a soft sigh. "Its a new year again, I can't believe four years have passed and now we are entering senior high."


"Attention students please proceed to your respective rooms."

"These are your new classmates." The teacher said as he introduced the two young men. The guy with brown hair, and brown eyes with a kind face, stepped in front with a smile. "Nice to meet you. My name is Robert Wagner."

"Okay Mr. Wagner you can sit beside Ms. Howard." He walked towards me with the cheerful smile still on his face.

*ba dump*

Isn't he?

I was shocked when I saw the guy with a blonde hair and emerald eyes stepped in front of the class. "Hello. My name is Alfred Addison."

He is the guy...the one in my dream.

Then my environment started to turn. I placed my palm on my face to support my head. I stood up from my seat and collapsed. Robert catched me with his arm as I started to lose conciousness. "Mr. Wagner please bring Ms. Howard to the nurse's office. Its in the first floor, third room from the left." The teacher said as he walked toward us with a worried face.

"Mm.." I moaned softly as I slowly opened my eyes. "Oh you're awake." I looked in front of me to see the nurse. "Here drink this, it will help you feel better." She said as she walked toward me with the medicine she took from the cabinet. I took the medicine from her hand and took the glass of water from the table beside me. "Do you feel anything? Dizziness, head ache or stomach ache?" She asked. "No ma'am. I'm fine now." I answered politely. "Okay. You can leave after a few minutes." I nod and drank the medicine and went back to bed. (Was that really him?) After a few minutes I took my bag and went to our next class.

"I was so worried Louise what happened to you?" Nikki said with a worried look on her face as we ate our lunch in the cafeteria. "I was just dizzy. Its nothing to worry about." I smiled as I spoke. "Well don't do that again or I'm gonna get a heart attack." And she started eating again. "Of course or we'll both end up in the nurse's office." I said and we both chuckled.

"Mom I'm back." I said as I removed my shoes.

"How is school dear? The teacher called and told me you collapsed in the middle of class. Did something happen?" My mom said with a worried face.

"I'm okay. Its nothing. I just need a rest." I answered and went to my room. I lay down to bed and asked myself (Who is he? Was it really him?) I closed my eyes and I fell asleep.

*The next day*

(Is this a coincidence? fate? or a sign?) As I daydream I didn't notice that Nikki was calling me.

"Hey, Louise. Louise!" I snapped back to reality and saw Nikki pouting.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Mr. Goldie is staring at you." Nikki said and she pointed her finger at Alfred who is on the table a few meters away. I looked at Alfred but as soon as our eyes met he looked away.

Then Robert stepped in front of me. "Oh, Miss Howard. Do you feel better now?" He said with a concerned face. "I'm fine thanks. Oh and please call me Louise." I said politely. "Its good to hear that you're feeling better now, Louise. Please be careful next time." Then he smiled at me and left.

While I'm walking down the hall, one of the teachers called me. "Miss, please bring these papers to the music room." She handed me the stack of papers. "Yes Ma'am." I nod, took the papers and started walking.


"Ah!" I bumped into something and my butt landed on the floor. The papers were scattered around the floor "Ouch." I said as I rubbed my butt with my hand. "Oh no. I'm so sorry." The guy said as he kneeled down in front of me. I looked at the guy I bumped in.


"Huh? Aren't you the girl who collapsed yesterday? Louise Howard right? I'm Alfred by the way. You got me worried back there." He smiled and chuckled. I watched him and realized that I was blushing. I hid my face in embarrassment and started to pick up the papers on the floor. "Here let me help you." And he reached out for the papers.

When we finished picking up the papers he asked me where I'm going to put the papers. "The music room." I answered. "The Music room?! But that is in the third floor!" He shouted. "Its okay I can do it." I smiled as I spoke. "How about this, I'll help you. After all, I'm not in a hurry." He said in a kind voice. "No its okay." I said in a panicky tone as I quickly shook my head in refusal. "I insist." Then he took half of the papers I'm carrying.

"We're here." He said cheerfully. We placed the papers in the music room and headed out. "Thank you." I said politely with a smile and I started heading to our next class when..

"Um..hey." I turned around and saw him scratching his head. "There is a cafè downtown and they make nice drinks so I was wondering if you want to go there with me." I looked at him with a confused look.

(Well I don't think its gonna bother me so..) "Okay."

"Huh?" He looked at me with a puzzled look. "I said I'm going with you." I answered with a smile. His puzzled face slowly turned into a smile. "Okay, after school I'll meet you at the gate." He said excitedly and we went to our next class.

Alfred and Louise had a snack in the cafè and chatted afterwards. They went outside and Alfred escorted Louise on the bus stop. "See you tomorrow Alfred and thanks for treating me a nice snack, it tastes good just like you said." She smiled and stepped on the bus and the bus left. After a few seconds, Robert appeared behind Alfred. "Are you sure she is the reincarnation of the mistress, master Alfred?" He asked. "Yes. I'm sure she is Cassandra." Alfred answered in a soft voice. "I finally found you, my love."

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