Chapter4 of Raincode, Yuma and Vivias encounter..

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Warning, Chapter 4 spoilers for Raincode ⚠️⚠️‼️


*Yuma had just got done investigating the clues of Dr. Huescas murder, and he was quick to walk out.. when suddenly, he was met with the sight of.. Vivia standing infront of him? Which was quite unexpected, giving how lazy, dismissive, and unbothered Vivia is about everything.*

"What's the matter, Vivia? Why are you in ghost form?" *Yuma questioned curiously, looking a bit surprised.*

"..I was wondering how your investigation was going. I.. grew curious." *Vivia spoke calmly in his usual deep voice, smiling ever so slightly.*

"Did you come to help? I.. didn't expect your cooperation." *Yuma slightly tilted his head, sounding a bit surprised still.. but a bit grateful aswell. He could use the extra help.*

*Vivia paused, making a sound that seemed like he was.. uncertain about doing something.*

"Still, thank you! It's very reassuring." *Yuma smiled, sounding appreciative.*

"Wait, master.. you shouldn't trust him.." *Shinigami suddenly spoke up, sounding a bit worried.* "He's.. plotting something."

"What could he be plotting? Aren't you.. overthinking things?" *Yuma spoke to Shinigami in his head, sounding a bit confused.*

*Before Shinigami could respond, Vivia spoke up.*

"So? What will you do now? Are you still.. going to pursue the truth?"

*he sounded rather disappointed, for some reason.*

"Huh? Why wouldn't I?" *Yuma raised a brow, sounding both curious and confused.* "I finished investigating the crime scene, so I was about to head back and report to everyone. We need to find the truth, otherwise.. the chief won't get treated, and everyone will be captured."

"I see.. so you won't be satisfied until you discover the truth.." *Vivia shook his head, his tone becoming more and more apathetic by the minute.*

"What do you mean..?" *Yuma asked questionably, still not looking too sure about this.*

"Master, watch out! He's plotting something!" *Shinigami repeated to Yuma, sounding a bit more worried.*

*Vivia took a step closer to Yuma.*

"Tell me, Yuma... why do you seek the truth?"

"Huh? We have to find the truth to fight the peacekeepers." *Yuma sounded pretty surprised that he'd asked him a question like that.*

*Vivia, in return, leaned in closer to Yuma..* "The truth.. is like cracks in a mirror. They're all so small, you must squint to see each tiny crack.."

*he paused, before speaking once more.*

"Most wouldn't even notice them.. they think the world reflected in the mirror is reality itself.. if you did notice the cracks, would you destroy the mirror to reveal what the real world actually looks like?" *he asked, as if he was testing Yuma.*

"Even if.. the moment the mirror is destroyed, it changes the world people can see forever?" *Vivias eyes narrow ever so slightly.*

"Wh-What are you talking about?" *Yuma still sounded pretty shocked, and confused.*

"And if shattering the mirror reveals nothing but darkness and chaos.. even then, would you still seek the truth?" *Vivia questioned apathetically.*

"I don't know what will happen when the truth is exposed... but right now, we need the truth to save Chief Yakou and everyone from the agency!" *Yuma sounded determined.* "Everyone, including you, of course.."

"I just want to help others.. Are you saying that's wrong!?" *Yuma asked incredulously, his eyes widening.*

"And for that.. What will you sacrifice? How much have you already sacrificed?" *Vivia asked.. rather deeply.*

"Huh?" *Yumas eyes widened a bit more, sounding confused.. once again.*

*Vivia sighed.* "I bet you're the type who's willing to sacrifice yourself for the truth.."

"One day, it will ruin you. You will.. destroy the world for truth's sake." *Vivia spoke deeply, his tone rather accusing as he leaned in closer to Yuma.*

"M-Me? Destroy the world? That's impossible.." *Yuma said rather shakily, he couldn't help but feel a bit surprised at Vivias inference as his eyes widened, looking a bit nervous.*

*Vivia pulled himself away from Yuma, slightly stepping back.* "No, you've already stepped one foot into ruin. In fact, it's already up to your neck.."

*After a curt silence, he brought his face closer to Yumas, once again.*

"If possible.. I'd like to help you. You are.. a dear friend to me. So, how about it? It's not too late. Why not turn back from this path?"

*He tried to sound as friendly as possible, in order to persuade Yuma.*

*Yuma quickly spoke up after that, sounding a bit frustrated and defensive.* "You mean.. to let us be captured by peacekeepers!? That doesn't solve anything! I don't understand what you're saying, Vivia..!"

*he sighed, trying to calm himself down.*

"Nevermind, we need to report what I discovered to the others.."

*Vivia sighed quickly after he did, pulling himself away from Yuma again, shaking his head.* "..So you refuse to understand.. You leave me no choice."

*he reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a blade.. holding it up to Yuma at a considerable distance.*

*Yumas eyes widened, looking nervous again. He trembled only slightly in the legs.* "V-Vivia..?" *his voice was shaky, he was not expecting Vivia to do this at all.*

"Aahhh! He took out a blade! This guy is NUTS!" *Shinigami spoke to Yuma, looking shocked and a bit scared in her ghost form.*

*Vivia quickly spoke up after that, his tone as nonchalant as ever.* "I usually keep this in my pocket. It's not real... like the ghost form. It's just a reflection of reality, so slashing at you won't do anything.."

*He stayed silent for only a few seconds after that, before speaking up.*

"But I warned you, didn't I? While you're in ghost form, your physical body is vulnerable."


"Y-You mean?" *Yuma was both shocked, and terrified at this revelation.*

"I will simply return to my body five seconds before you do.. and then, I'll slice your throat open.." *Vivia spoke apathetically.* "Given I am more familiar with spectral projection ... I'm positive I can return to my body before you can."

*He smirked, although a bit unnoticeable.* "Well, will you give up now..?"


"A-are you threatening me?" *Yuma asked incredulously, his voice still shaky and rather petrified.*

"I only want you to give up on the truth. The truth you wish to expose... is dangerous." *Vivia said impassively, averting his gaze somewhere else, albeit only for a few seconds.*

"I have a feeling.. a feeling that our peace and quiet will be pulled right out from under our feet." *his eyes slightly narrowed.* "If you won't stop, then I must stop you.. for the world's sake.. for the sake of peace and quiet." *his tone was rather ominous.*

"You're not making any sense! You're going to kill me because of a FEELING!?" *Yuma questioned rhetorically, his tone showcasing his disbelief and nervousness.*

*Vivia sighed.* "I.. don't want it to end this way. I thought we could talk it out.. that's why I came here. But you refuse to give up, which leaves me with no choice." *he pulled himself away from Yuma again, his gaze darkening sinisterly.*

"So it looks like this is what I must do. Farewell.. Yuma." *he began to walk away from Yuma, unfortunately quite quickly.*

"W-WAIT!!" *Yuma started to chase after him just as quickly, his eyes still wide as he looked even more terrified than before, if possible.*

"Master, hurry back!!" *Shinigami called out to Yuma, following him in an equal panic.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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