chapter 20

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my arm strained to pull the string back as I kept my aim steady and my focus on the target before.

through the dense trees and foliage I could make out the pale white fur of the animal we were hunting, as it grazed peacefully without a care.

a hand much larger than my own moved my arm ever so slightly to the side. I dared not take my sights off the prey before me lest I upset the figure at my side.

'Breathe Eiso, breathe then take the shot.' a strong voice resonated through my mind.

taking in a deep breath I let the arrow fly and we watched it buzz through the air before hitting its target.

I stood there in shock as the small furry creature I just shot lay motionless a few feet away.

'I did it?' I questioned.

a deep chuckle sounded from beside me as the figure at my side stood up, practically towering over me.

'Yes, good job.' a hand came down and rubbed my head, messing up my hair as I snapped out of my shock and looked up to the man beside me. 'you did well son, let's go.'

as my father walked over to my first kill and grabbed it I felt excitement finally bubbling up inside me. 'I did it! actually tracked something down and hunted it all on my own!' I rushed over to his side, as my tail whipped around behind me excitedly.

I smiled as he pulled the arrow out of the kill and inspected it closely. 'A clean kill with minimal damage, you could use this pelt to make something nice or trade it for supplies. Many would like to have furs this soft and clean.' my father mused.

My smile briefly turned to confusion as my father mentioned trading for supplies. 'Who could we possibly trade with? there's no one else around?' I questioned.

I watched father visibly flinch as he turned to look at me. He was quiet for a long moment as a sad look filled his eyes and he turned his gaze away.

' you understand why I teach you and your brother all these things about hunting, trapping and surviving?'

tilting my head I acknowledged my father's somber gaze. 'It's so we can take care of ourselves...' I responded.

he nodded. 'I will not always be around, you two must learn this stuff so you no longer depend on me alone to keep you safe and fed.'

I didn't like this conversation and stayed silent, not wanting to speak about such topics. 'I do not wish to leave either of you alone out here, being isolated is the last thing I want for either of you... eventually I expect you two to leave these forests to search for a new home.'

I lifted my head some, hearing him say such. 'Perhaps one day you will find others and will not be alone anymore, you could live a normal life as you always should have...'

I could see the longing in my father's eyes as he said such. He was lonely. being away from the tribe and having to care for me and Eikan on his own had taken a toll on him. it was because of us he had to stay behind, it was because of us we had to struggle and endure so much. Had we been with the tribe still, the burden of caring for us wouldn't have been so heavy.

He wouldn't be so lonely...

gripping the bow in my hand tightly I stood up straighter, feeling a bout of determination fill me. 'we can do it!'

he looked back at me with a perplexed look, not seeming to understand the meaning behind my words.

'we can find the tribe and go back to the way they should be! then you don't have to worry about us! and then you won't be so sad! we can find them!'

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