Major Gods and Goddesses
Abilities: Goddess of the sun and universe, brings light to the world, controls the sun's movement.Limitations: Limited influence over the night and underworld.Residence: Takamagahara (the High Plain of Heaven).
Abilities: God of the moon, controls the night and moonlight.Limitations: Limited influence during the daytime.Residence: Takamagahara.
Abilities: God of storms, sea, and agriculture; wields powerful storms and controls the sea.Limitations: Often unpredictable and destructive.Residence: Originally in Takamagahara, later banished to the earthly realm.
Abilities: Deity of rice, fertility, and prosperity; can bring good harvests and wealth.Limitations: Limited influence outside agricultural and economic prosperity.Residence: Mount Inari and various shrines.
Abilities: God of war and warriors, protector of Japan and its people.Limitations: Limited influence in matters of peace and diplomacy.Residence: Usa Shrine and other Hachiman shrines.
Abilities: God of thunder, lightning, and storms; controls thunder and lightning.Limitations: Limited influence during calm weather.Residence: Skies and storm clouds.
Abilities: God of wind; controls and directs the winds.Limitations: Limited influence when there is no wind.Residence: Skies and wind currents.
Abilities: God of fishermen, luck, and prosperity; can bring good luck and bountiful catches.Limitations: Limited influence in non-maritime or non-economic matters.Residence: Coastal areas and Ebisu shrines.
Kannon (Kanzeon Bosatsu)
Abilities: Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy; offers protection and relief from suffering.Limitations: Limited influence over those who reject compassion.Residence: Various temples and shrines.
Abilities: Goddess of dawn, mirth, and revelry; brings joy, laughter, and the dawn.Limitations: Limited influence during serious or somber times.Residence: Takamagahara.Important Events in Japanese Mythology
Creation Myth
Introduction of Gods: Izanagi and Izanami.Abilities Introduced: Creation of the islands of Japan, birth of various deities, purification rituals.
Descent of Amaterasu
Introduction of Gods: Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukuyomi.Abilities Introduced: Amaterasu's light, Susanoo's storms, Tsukuyomi's moonlight.
Battle of Yashima
Introduction of Gods: Hachiman.Abilities Introduced: Protection and guidance of warriors, divine aid in battles.
Tengu Legends
Introduction of Gods: Various Tengu.Abilities Introduced: Supernatural strength, shapeshifting, martial arts mastery.
Raijin and Fujin's Storms
Introduction of Gods: Raijin, Fujin.Abilities Introduced: Control over thunder, lightning, and wind.
Kannon's Miracles
Introduction of Gods: Kannon.Abilities Introduced: Compassion, mercy, healing.
Inari's Blessings
Introduction of Gods: Inari.Abilities Introduced: Agricultural fertility, prosperity, protection of rice fields.All Known Japanese Mythology Gods and GoddessesAmaterasu: Goddess of the sun and universe.Tsukuyomi: God of the moon.Susanoo: God of storms, sea, and agriculture.Inari: Deity of rice, fertility, and prosperity.Hachiman: God of war and warriors.Raijin: God of thunder, lightning, and storms.Fujin: God of wind.Ebisu: God of fishermen, luck, and prosperity.Kannon: Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy.Ame-no-Uzume: Goddess of dawn, mirth, and revelry.Izanagi: Primordial god of creation and life.Izanami: Primordial goddess of creation and death.Tenjin: Deified spirit of Sugawara no Michizane, god of scholarship and learning.Benzaiten: Goddess of everything that flows: water, words, speech, eloquence, music, and knowledge.Daikokuten: God of wealth, commerce, and trade.Jurojin: God of longevity and happiness.Fukurokuju: God of wisdom, luck, and longevity.Hotei: God of happiness, contentment, and abundance.Kagutsuchi: God of fire.Ninigi: Divine grandchild of Amaterasu, ancestor of the Japanese imperial family.Omoikane: God of wisdom and intelligence.Uzume: Goddess of dawn, revelry, and the arts.Sarutahiko: God of the crossroads and guidance.Toyotama-hime: Goddess of the sea and daughter of the sea god Ryujin.Okuninushi: God of nation-building, farming, business, and medicine.

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