Chapter 1: The Glowing Flower

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Amidst the darkness of the night, beneath a royal blue sky adorned with a myriad of bright and colorful stars, a pristine white flower bud was glowing on the branch of a flowering tree.

The tree stood solitary upon the hill, surrounded by a verdant forest. It was tall, majestic, and reminiscent of the white wisteria. It had countless long white vines hanging down across the branches, and along those threadlike vines were densely furnished with ethereal five-petaled white blossoms. The tree had no leaves; only flowers, and its presence bestowed a sense of sacredness, serenity, and gentleness.

When the bud beamed bright like a star, it unfurled into a magnificent blossom with six delicate petals.

As daybreak approached, the sun arose from the horizon, and the sky blushed with hues of gold. The stars faded into the background and the sunlight gradually revealed the colors of the world.

The time had come.

The wind of destiny blew the gleaming blossom off the branch and carried it into the high sky, revealing the truth that it wasn't in a forest but a park in a big city all along.

As soon as the flower set forth, a radiant white humanoid creature—with the body of a little boy, white fur, and a slim, long tail—ventured after it. It was clad in a blue tactical jumpsuit and was on the nearby tree when the flower drifted away.

It chased after the blossom on four legs, leaping from branch to branch. When it reached the edge of the park, it jumped down to the ground and hastened across the street. It leapt to the townhouse, climbed the wall to the roof, and ran after the flower.

The blossom danced with the wind across the city, shining brightly in the sky. When it floated to a flock of birds, the birds made way for it.

The downtown below was a splendid blend of vibrant townhouses and lush trees. A grand river cut through the city, with glittering blue canals spreading throughout the region. Black, white, and orange adorned the capital. The city was orderly planned, with the central district by the river shaped like a half-decagon.

The white creature sprinted along the roofs, through the capital bathed in rays of gold, its eyes fixed upon the ethereal blossom. The flower led the creature to a bright orange townhouse on the other side of the city. It stood among a row of colorful townhouses, beside a charming red-brick road, and across from a line of trees alongside a canal.

When the flower came close to the building, it descended down from the sky and glided to the window on the third floor. The window opened itself, and the flower floated into a bright orange bedroom with a blue sky ceiling adorned with clouds.

The flower landed gently on the palm of a twelve-year-old boy who was sleeping on the bed beneath an orange blanket.

The boy had a skinny body, golden-blonde hair, sky-blue eyes, white skin, and a faded, long-cut scar on his left cheekbone.

The boy was dreaming. In his dream, he saw a sequence of pictures.

The first was a gargantuan tree towering atop a massive pyramid mountain, over a white forest, toward the sky. It was entirely embellished with a resplendent array of pristine white blossoms and stood upon a vast island that levitated in space, among the stars and cosmic dust. It was the same tree that bloomed the glowing flower, but far more immense, gorgeous, and majestic. Not just one, but all the blooms and vines shone brightly like stars in the night. Even though the tree was colossal, the size of the vines and flowers remained the same. Right above the trunk was a sphere of white light, shielded by entangled wooden vines.

The second was a noble white knight standing before a team of heroes. He had gorgeous glowing blue eyes, an elegant blue cape, and a blue crystal heart—an illuminating inverted triangular blue crystal on the chest. The team included men and women, humans and aliens, creatures and robots. They were all dressed in different outfits and had various appearances. For example, one was a man with a robotic body, another was very tall with scarlet hair, one was black and carried dual pistols, another dressed like a superhero, one was garbed in a blue robe, and so forth. Everyone looked at the boy with gentle gazes and friendly smiles, while the knight offered his hand to the boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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