The night we met

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I'm obsessed with Blue Lock lately, especially Noel Noa, so I had to write a story😭. Its most likely ass, but hey I tried🤷🏾‍♀️

          Noel Noa sighed, it was 7 in the afternoon . The match between PXG and Bastard Munchen was only a measly 5 days away, but from what Ego explained earlier this morning, the match was to be postponed, due to the JFA requesting (demanding) a full fan service special episode for the fans. Because of this most of the Blue Lock players who are fan favorites had to participate, and to make up for the list day of training, Ego gave the master strikers a day off, which resulted in Noel Noa, the number 1 striker, at a bar with Lavinho and Chris Prince.

         He at first denied, but due to pressure from Lavinho and Chris prince at the same time, he unfortunately caved. So here he was sitting on a table with Lavinho who was dead drunk while Chris was going God knows what with the woman he walked out with only a few minutes earlier. Noa took a sip from his bourbon, looking around with his golden yellow siren eyes. As his nose smelt the scent of heavy alcohol, the occasional cigarette smoke and faint perfume/cologne as people walked past him, his eyes scrunched up with a grimace. It's not like he wasn't used to the smell of cigarettes and cheap perfume, due to his background, though for some reason the smell wasn't a good familiar feeling like you'd expect.

          Noa looked down at his watch, it was nearing 11 pm. He looked around and spotted Lavinho taking shots of gin and tonic with some guys cheering him on, and Chris was again nowhere to be found. Noa pulls out his phone and texts's their phones telling them he's leaving. He gulped down the last of his drink before getting up from his seat heading to the door.

          As he walks to the front door, someone knocks into him, their elbow hitting his gut. It didn't hurt and didn't seem intentional as the clearly drunk man apologized. He glanced at the man.

         He looks and sees the drunken man yelling curses and obscenities at a woman, clearly in bartender attire. She had an indifferent expression on her face, rolling her e/c eyes as the man yells. Her  h/c hair was in a ponytail with a few strands hanging freely here and there.

"Look sir, i cannot serve you anymore than 10 drinks, it's against policy" the woman said. The man sneered at her, his fist clenched. "I don't give a damn about your fucking policy or your little rules, if I'm paying you then serve me the damn drink!"

          Noa raised his eyebrow. He could tell the woman was annoyed but had no clear way about the situation. Noa contemplated stepping over and intervening, he was raised that if he sees something to mind his business and keep walking, but for some reason, he didn't.
Noa walked over, his 6'2 (it's an estimate since I could find his height, if you can find it please correct me) muscular frame towering over the lanky man. "I think you should listen to the woman sir, you've clearly had too much to drink"
Noa said, putting his hand on the man's shoulder who scowled at him. "Who the fuck are you to tell me-". The man slurred his words, clearly drunk out of his mind. He looked up at Noel Noa, his black shaded eyelids narrowing, his golden eyes looking down at the man. The man just threw his glass on the ground like a child before stomping away.

The woman sighed in relief, pinching her nose.
"Thanks, that man was a real pain in the ass"

She said, readjusting her ponytail. Noa's eyes lingered on her face for a moment before looking down at the broke glass. He bent down to clean up the mess before the woman out her hand on his chest stopping him as she walked from the counter with a broom and a dust pan, sweeping up the broken glass. "It's okay, I've got it" she said dumping the broke glass in the trash. Noa nodded, his job was done, yet he didn't leave. The woman smiled at him.

         "I've definitely seen you somewhere, you famous?" The woman asked, many started to leave as it was getting ready for closing time. Noa nodded. "I'm a football player". At that the woman clicked her tounge in recognition. "Yeah your uhm- Noel Noa right?"

          The woman said, making Noa nod. He was used to be recognized, but seeing as the woman didn't recognize him immediately, it didn't seem she was a fan.
      The woman snapped her fingers. "I knew i knew you from somewhere! My son watches you all the time!" She said. Noa almost smiled, he looked up to many ad a child so to hear kids looked up to him slightly warmed his heart. "How old is your Son, if you don't mind me asking" "He's 7, making 8 next week."
Noa nodded in acknowledgment. The woman started cleaning glasses and widened her eyes. "It's about to be closing time" she said looking around at the now empty bar. Noa looked around and saw Lavinho was nowhere's to be seen. He took a look at his phone and saw a message from Lavinho. 'Sorry Noa, saw you talking to that hot chick so I left, went back to BL with Chris, you can Uber😁'. Noa deadpanned at the message before sighing.
         "It's okay, I have time. I'll walk you to your car". Noa almost slapped himself. He should be in a Uber back to Blue Lock yet here he is offering to walk a random woman to back to her car? Too late now. "Sure, if that's okay with you of course" the woman said as she packed her stuff and closed the bar. They walked out together. They reached her little light blue car as she put her bag into her car.  "You mind if I get a picture with you, for my son."
          The man asked. Noa agreed as Esme pulled out her phone and did a smile with a peace sign while Noa just stood there, he never knew how to really pose for pictures anyways. The man smiled and bowed a thank you, about to get into her car. Noa felt a rush in her body, he didn't want their conversation to end just yet. Though Noa knew that if he wanted to obtain his place as the number 1 striker, he coudnt be distracted by something as simple as a woman, but his heart wouldn't listen. He put a hand in her shoulder. "Wanna talk again, sometime?".  The woman chuckled. "You don't even know my name"

       Noa felt stupid, but when she grabbed his phone (which for some reason didn't have a password) and put her number in he froze. He wasn't used to asking woman out, but he couldn't say he didn't appreciate her doing the awkward part for him. The woman got into her car and glanced at him one last time, winking before driving away.

          Noa looked down at the contact in his phone. The contact name was out under 'Y/n L/N". He sighed, calling a Uber. At least her has her name now.......

This was ass, and I know it was boring, but PLEASE be patient as the second chapter will get more juicy I swear 🙏🏾🙏🏾


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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