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Yang Chuxue, you man-eating demon! If I survive this, I swear I'll... give you a million reasons to regret ever crossing paths with yours truly!" Ye Hao cursed bitterly as he plummeted into the inky depths of the Abyss of Doom, his flesh being shredded to ribbons by the howling winds.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the abyss, a breathtakingly beautiful woman in flowing white robes hovered in midair, her mere presence draining the color from the world around her.

"What a pity to lose half of the Heaven-Upholding Scripture," she sighed, her delicate brows furrowing in a way that could break the hearts of men across the realm. In the blink of an eye, she vanished into the horizon like a streak of white silk.


"You scoundrel! Prepare to meet your maker!" An enraged female voice rang out as a sword gleaming like autumn waters sliced through the air, its blade carrying a bone-chilling frost. It flew straight for the young man who stood frozen in shock just a short distance away.

It wasn't until the deadly blade was mere inches from his skin that the biting cold finally snapped the young man out of his daze.

"Oh, for the love of—" he cursed, his body suddenly moving in a series of bizarre, nimble dodges that made him look like a drunken butterfly trying to pollinate a cactus. But his victory was short-lived. A pained howl escaped his lips as blood sprayed from two deep gashes that appeared on his left shoulder and back.

"What kind of useless body is this?" he grumbled. "Can't even handle the basic 'Flirting with Flowers' footwork." He pressed two fingers that glowed with a jade-like light to his wounds, stemming the flow of blood.

Only then did the young man have a chance to get a good look at the girl who was so intent on turning him into a human pincushion. Or rather, the girl who was after the poor sap whose body he'd hijacked.

Ye Hao couldn't help but stare. In all his years of, ahem, "admiring" the fairer sex, he'd never seen anyone quite like her. Dressed in a flowing silver dress, she had the face of a porcelain doll atop the body of a... well, let's just say the combination of innocence and allure was doing funny things to his brain.

"Ice Sword Technique!" the girl cried out, her delicate finger pointing at the plain-looking sword in her hand. The weapon lifted into the air of its own accord, humming with power.

"Slice!" She formed a hand seal and pointed at Ye Hao.

The sword's glow intensified as it whistled through the air towards him.

"A measly sword-controlling trick? I... actually can't handle that right now," Ye Hao muttered, once again transforming into a hyper-caffeinated hummingbird as he desperately tried to avoid being turned into sashimi.

"Slice! And slice again!" Mo Qianqian gritted her teeth, bewildered by Ye Hao's sudden slipperiness. Hadn't he been on his last legs just moments ago?

Finally, a cold glint caught Ye Hao, sending him flying dozens of meters. He crashed to the ground, unable to rise again, his spiritual energy completely depleted.

Mo Qianqian, equally exhausted from wielding her sword technique, retrieved her weapon and approached Ye Hao, towering over him with a mixture of triumph and fatigue.

"Listen, gorgeous," Ye Hao wheezed, struggling to sit up despite the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "We've got no blood feud, no stolen wives between us. Can't we just call it a draw and go our separate ways?"

"You lecherous scum!" Mo Qianqian spat, her silver teeth clenched in fury. "Killing you would be a service to the entire cultivation world!" Her beautiful eyes reddened with unshed tears of frustration, but the murderous intent in them only grew stronger.

Ye Hao's eyes darted about frantically. He'd been hunted down the moment his soul took over this body, with no time to assimilate the original owner's memories. All he knew was that he needed to survive, and fast.

But Mo Qianqian gave him no chance to speak further. Her cold iron sword flashed towards his heart with lightning speed.

In that instant, Ye Hao's body lurched forward.

With a sickening "squelch," the sword pierced his chest, its icy energy spreading through his limbs. Almost simultaneously, Mo Qianqian let out a shrill scream, releasing her sword and clutching her chest protectively.

Ye Hao's hand slid down from Mo Qianqian's ample bosom, pressing several points on her abdomen in quick succession.

Mo Qianqian's body suddenly went limp, collapsing to the ground. She stared at Ye Hao in wide-eyed horror, unable to move a muscle.

Ye Hao staggered, his mouth twitching as if he wanted to smirk, but instead, he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, splattering it all over Mo Qianqian's face and clothes. Then, with impeccable aim (or cosmic irony), he toppled forward, landing squarely on Mo Qianqian's soft body before losing consciousness.

As darkness enveloped him, ancient, ethereal voices echoed in the depths of his soul:

"From whence you came, to where you shall return. To stand tall and support the heavens, first die and be reborn, tempering the soul of destiny..."

"Where desire leads, the Way is born. Follow your nature, and all paths lead to the Dao..."

"Open the Celestial Meridian at the center of your being, draw upon the power of Heaven and Earth, nourishing both soul and spirit..."

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