🌸 1

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She stirred in her bed when the alarm went off, she didn't want to get up but since it was a school week she got up any way.Getting herself ready on automatic
When she was done she went down for breakfast
= Good morning young miss, she was greeted by one of the house maids Liz

=Good morning Liz she said yawning
As she was served breakfast–morning she greeted to her father kizashi and his wife hana who were also having breakfast

= And where were u yesterday Sakura her father questioned in his usual no nonsense tone ignoring her greeting– I thought I specifically told everyone we were hosting important guest and for all to be here

= By guests u meant ur business and political partners but last I remember u cut me off when u unfairly sent me to that boarding school, so I didn't feel obligated to be there she said shrugging her shoulders trying to take a bite of the food

=Hey u little girl is that how u talk to ur father hana glared at her,– ur father had to make up an excuse on why ur not there or people would have started saying the business tyrant kizashi can't even control his own daughter but Sakura just started with zero interest

= Morning everyone cheerfully greeted Hanare Hana's daughter – morning little sis she wished her tauntingly

= Well there goes my peaceful breakfast she mumbled under her breath getting up

=It's ok Liz I'll have something on the way she assured her seeing that she wanted to say something,– I was just being nice. oh and Liz  Sakura is fine with me, u can save the honorifics for the rest of my snobby family she said grabbing her bag and leaving

= Sakura! She heard her father angryly yell at her but she ignored him and left for school.– am telling u that girl will be a bad influence on our  son if this continues she said going upstairs


At school

=15 minutes early she said looking at her iphone well I guess it's better than being there–she decided to relax a bit before class
She sat under the shade of the cherry tree texting for a bit then took out her sketch pad and played some music zoning out a bit

= Hey forehead shouted ino snapping her out of it– hi pig what are u doing here she asked once she approached

= I should be asking u that, ain't u going to be late for class she said–no we still have time she checks her phone, oh no we're gonna be late she grabbed her things and they started walking to class

= Hi ino, Sakura – Hi Tenten, Hinata
=Wow ino nice the dress complimented Hinata – thanks am just glad that senior year moving forward allows us to dress casually
–and here I thought you missed the uniform Tenten joked. Ill no, though I kinda wish the dress was from roses collection

= Rose Sakura asked curiously – yah I tha rose, she's a new designer debuted by mæsk. I would understand if u don't know her, She appeared 2yrs ago and almost everyone our age is a fun of her work, even my aunt Amira is a huge fun.

=Yah Karin got the last margen bag which was designed by her on her birthday and she's been bragging about it ever since added Tenten – don't remind me, her and Tayuya made it a point to rub it in our face ino said exasperated...

= It was that bad, huh Sakura commented –yep they all looked at ino's anguish...on another note Hinata spoke up u know Sakura chan am loving the street fashion she complimented her looking at her buggy jean and shirt– ur right Hinata if I didn't know any better I would say she never went to a boarding school ino added plus it leaves more to the imagination I would never think that after 2yrs ur still flat under all that

= Ino! Both girls shouted– what I didnt mean completely I mean compared to all of us she is kinda flat especially to u Hinata she said making the girl blush

= How would you know that if the last time u saw me in any thing exposing was at the beach in junior high asked Sakura– exactly my point u have been back for almost two months now but u still haven't worn even one tight outfit so far exclaimed ino, so the only logical answer is ur flat or seriously chubby – oh maybe I just like the fashion pig

= That's also a possibility but if u want to shut me up then u will let me touch u to prove me wrong– yah nah that's weird she said moving away– come on u didn't think it was weird before–
What ever pig she said walking into the classroom taking her sit

= Wow Sakura u look amazing shouted Naruto with a slight smirk receiving glares from some of the girls– thank u Naruto she responded whilst taking out her phone ignoring the looks

= So how are u he asked trying to make small talk but then the teacher walked in making the class to quiet down

=Hello everyone as u all know am miss Hanare uzarai and I be ur philosophy teacher until a substitute is provided she flirtiously said – are u kidding me Sakura said to no one in particular, this is gonna a long day she thought to her self grabbing her note book.

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Ps: it's pronounced misk for those kinda lost

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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