14 Some questions answered

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"Hi" Said Samantha Carter entering one of the rooms in the SGC, but she did not get an answer. He was obviously oblivious to her presence in the room. "Good morning!" He was still not responding. He had his full attention to a notebook she recognized from somewhere. "Daniel!" She shouted eventually.

"Oh, Sam!" He turned and looked at her finally. "Sorry, I did not hear you." He stood up and hugged her. "It's so great to see you finally after all the time."

"So, what were you looking for in those old notes of yours?" She asked as they sat down. Then she recognized some ancient signs in the middle of the text on the page and a drawing. "Your notes on ascention? What for?"

"I was just wondering..."

"Daniel...?" She was seriously intrigued. It was one of Daniel's looks meaning he was researching something very intriguing. "What's the matter?"

"I was just wandering. The situation with her..."

"Doctor Weir?"

"Yes. I just wonder. There are several strange things about her and all this situation."

"How she managed to ascend being within a replicator body?"

"For starters."

"Something more to the story that I do not know?" Sam asked leaning over Daniel's shoulder and looking into his notes. "Something more that should not have happened?"

"Actually, a lot." Stated Jackson with a small gleam in his eye. "First, as you mentioned, ascending must have been really tricky even with the help she got. Then, there's the thing with intervening, she should have been stopped before she did something so grand. Last but not least is the thing with her memory."

"What with her memory?" Asked Sam curious as to what did he mean. "As far as I can remember you lost yours for some time. And you were not able to retrieve memories from the time you were actually ascended."

"It's different with Elizabeth."


"When I descended I lost all my memory and it slowly returned, leaving only a specific part out permanently. Just what I learned but shouldn't. Elizabeth, however..."

"... forgot just a specific fraction of her memories and the rest remained untouched." Finished Sam for him. "Ok, I agree that this is strange. Any idea how to get to the bottom of that?"

"No, not yet." He admitted angrily. "Anyway, how are you two doing?"

"We two?" Sam tried to look as though she did not know what Daniel was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on, Sam" he smiled. "I know you are on Earth much more frequently than your visits to the SGC. I know that you spend it somewhere in Washington and..."

"Don't go there, Daniel." She told him quite seriously. "Of all the people..."

"Sam, we all knew there was something between you two for some time now." Daniel explained. "Look, I just want you to..."

"Daniel..." she interrupted. "Let's forget about it and get something to eat in the mess, ok?"

Daniel was really glad to see Sam again. She did not visit really often these days. Her duties as a commander of Hammond took a lot of her time. Then there were those rare occasions she shared a couple of days with Jack. Yes, he knew, he suspected Cameron knew as well since every time she was on Earth and not in SGC Jack seemed to be unavailable by any mean short of beaming him up. He hadn't missed any of her dials from Atlantis and used to send some encoded messages to her. It was a shame that all those military regulations kept them away from each other.

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