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~ Oh, God! ~ came the breathy moan of the young miss Wrathbone, her back arched as the man pounded into her, his thrusts slow and precise.




The headboard slammed against the wall, much to the annoyance of the older miss Wrathbone,whose room was just behind it. She looked at the wall, a vibrant hate festering in her eyes.

" Ugh. " she groaned, covering her ears with a pillow, an attempt to muffle the sounds and it remained just that, an attempt which led to her annoyance to turn into anger, which led to her fighting the pillows on her bed and the comforter wrapped around until it lay on the ground, defeated.

Lola huffed at it before sitting up having concluded she was not getting a good night's rest today and therefore she would rely on her vices to keep her company on this especially lonesome night.

Those vices included a few lines of cocaine and a well to do john on her side, on her front, behind, whichever came first.

It seemed Lola had an eventful night planned but unfortunately after a few lines of some angel dust, it was on her bathroom floor that took the gold.


Blood was the sight that greeted her, not a beautiful wealthy warm man beside her but a bloody, unidentifiable dead body.

Panic flooded her body and she let out a blood curdling scream.

" Oh my God. Oh my God! " she repeated over and over again as she rushed out the bathroom. She ran up and down the apatment like a chicken with it's head cut off.

" Oh my God, Lola, shut up. " mumbled her sister as she walked towards the bathroom.

" No! Don't go in there. " she said running towards her.

" Why? D'you just take a shit?  "

Exasperated, she said, " Yeah, I just took the biggest dump imagineable and it smells... bad. " her sister frowned and scrunched her nose.

" But I need to pee. "

" Go to Mrs. Kawolsky. " her sister grumbled but conceded and made her way to the front door shouting expletives and something about her bubble guts.

She sighed in relief but was short lived as she remembered the dead body that lay beyond this door.

Tentatively, she opened the door, her head slowly entered the threshold as if, perhaps the dead man she woke up with was just a mere figment of her imagination and all that awaited her was just her bathroom and not a crime scene. And as quickly as that hope appeared, it quickly dissapated.

" You know, next time take your shits at night, that way we won't have to bother our too-kind-neighbor. " Amari snarkly said as she walked into the apartment before entering her room.

Lola rolled her eyes,not caring much for her sisters musings, no, she was far more concerned for the man who lay bloodied and torn on her bathroom floor and why she was covered in blood and why her mouth had a strange metallic taste. She was far more concerned on whether or not she had killed a man and if she was going to prison.

No, she thought, she wasn't going to prison, she couldn't, she had far too much to live for.

Is this how accomplices of murder think, if so, i finally understand them. She thought.

Walking back into the bathroom, she stared at the man. An acidic lump logding itself in her throat and she couldn't even swallow it down and so it came out in the form of bile. She sprayed the floor with her vomit, which was but a light trickle in comparison to what it felt, an attest to her emoty stomach.

And one would think the sight of death would dissuage her appetite but instead her stomach rumbled and groaned and tightened but she couldnt cate much for that,no, she was more concerned on what to do.

Should I burn him? But she lived in an apartment with other people, she couldn't carry the man without looking suspicious and where would she burn him, the non existent backyard?

Perhaps chopping him into little pieces? She had no electric knife to use on him and she wasn't strong enough to carry him to the kitchen and rolling a man up into a carpet and throwing him in a dumpster had never been a good idea.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

" Can I use the shower in my own home today, please. " Amari said, annoyance clinging to her voice.

Lola remained quiet, she couldn't think and was thinking about everything at the same time. Panic wrapped around her like a heavy mink blanket on a 40° degree day.

" Omg Lola, I don't give a fuck about your toot smell. " Her sister said, grabbing the door handle and roughly opening it. The door opened with a slow  creak as Amari stood frozen, towel in hand and eyes wide.

" What did you do? " Eyes still trained on the man. " What did you do! "

" I don't know! "

" What are we gonna do?! " She looked at her sister, fear filled her eyes. She'd just found a dead body in her bathroom and her sister looked the part of the murderer.

" We need to call the police "

" And tell them what exactly,"She asked. " I don't know about you Amari but I watched 'How to get away with murder', I don't have an alibi,  no murder weapon and I'm covered in blood. "

" Stuff him in the fridge. "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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