21. Phoenix.

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ENDLESS SAND AND SUN greeted Trixie as she awoke from her nap, her neck stiff from sleeping in the car.

They'd been driving for hours, only stopping to refuel. 

Their destination, Phoenix. 

Theo and Alice made no sound, occasionally glancing at the girls via the rear-view mirror before their gaze settled onto the road once more. 

An hour or so into the drive, Alice had surprised Trixie with her earphones and a book, which she admitted to taking from the house when she had a chance to slip away. 

But Trixie was in no mood for reading, nor was she in the mood for music. 

She felt guilty about the situation, while Jasper reassured her that it wasn't her fault, somehow she still felt like it was. She didn't really know why she felt like she did, but the voice in the back of her head was adamant that she was to blame. 

Trixie supposed it was because she couldn't do anything in return for the family; the Cullen's are doing everything in their power to protect herself and Bella, and yet all the girls could do was play damsel and get driven out into Arizona.

It felt unfair.


After another hour or so, Alice pulled into the grounds of their hotel, where they'd wait until the remaining family members took care of James.

The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn and windows open - an attempt by housekeeping to keep the room cool from the Arizonian sun. 

Letting out a huff of breath, Trixie's small bag emitted a soft thud  as it hit the carpeted floor. 

The closing of a door, alerted the trio in the main entrance that Bella had left them to find one of the two bedrooms the room had to offer.

"Maybe you'd like to shower? It'll help relax your shoulders." Alice suggested, moving past the girl to open the bathroom door, ushering Trixie into the tiled room. 

Alice returned the teens bag to her with a sympathetic smile, before turning to the door and leaving. 


Steam filled the small room, and the sound of rushing water was the only sound in the entire hotel room. 

The waiting game was killing her - metaphorically of course. 

The cool tile of the shower soothed her oncoming headache; she just wanted to know if her family were okay. 

How was Emma doing?

She'd call at some point, Jasper's claim of Trixie being unwell could only work for so long, and even then, Trixie was certain that her Aunt wouldn't believe the excuse completely. 

Trixie had messaged Emma, doing the only thing she knew how in order to be useful. She informed her Aunt that she felt unwell, that Carlisle had offered her a 'spare room' in the Cullen residence until she felt better; she wanted to enforce whatever information Jasper would have given Emma the night they left.

She wanted to feel useful.


The sun had gone to bed when Jasper had contacted Trixie; the phone screen illuminated the dark room, as Trixie shuffled around to see who it was. 

She hadn't been able to sleep, it had been hours and no matter how often she tossed and turned, her racing mind would not rest.

His message of reassurance soothed her mind a little, apparently he'd watched over Emma when she was at home, and Carlisle was watching her when they were at work. 

The night marked the second day away from home; it had been a whole two days since the issue with James began.  

Trixie only hoped that'd it'd be over soon.

She wanted the bad feeling that had been sitting in her gut all day, to go away. She wanted to be at home watching a movie on her laptop, whilst being warm in her bed with the night breeze coming in through the window. She craved the security that her mate brought her. 

She suddenly missed laughing with Dahlia, and Emma's almost inedible cooking. 

Turns out, being hunted by a masochistic vampire, makes you realise what you care about most in your life.

Another short one, I know, BUT - 3 Chapters of the Twilight portion left!
Thank you for sticking with me this far!

- Grey x

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