22. The Call.

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IN THE MORNING, they were set to leave again. 

Trixie was placing her bag besides the TV in the living room, when a shaky gasp emitted from the vampire behind her.

Theo rushed to Alice before Trixie could.

"What did you see, Alice?" Theo asked, is tone calm and slow.

At this point Bella had entered the room, her gaze flittering between the two on the couch and Trixie who was stood opposite them. 

"The tracker, he just changed course." Alice's tone did not fill anyone in the room with confidence. 

"Where will it take him, Alice?" Theo hastily placed down a scrap of paper, guiding a pencil into Alice's hand, he placed her hand onto the table and held the paper steady as she etched out what she was seeing.  A charcoal drawing of a room emerging quickly as Alice blindly drew. 

It was silence for a while, the three watching Alice draw the room she was seeing. 

"Edward said that her visons weren't always certain." Bella said, inching closer to the coffee table, her gaze locked on the paper. 

"Alice's visions are subjective, she see's the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes."  Theo explained to the human, all the while watching his wife intently. 

"So the course that the tracker is on, is going to lead him to a ballet studio?" Bella queried.

It was at this moment that Alice had snapped out of her daze, looking between the paper and Bella, the vampire's face grew concerned. 

"You've been here?" Alice's face was full of worry.

"I mean, I took lessons as a kid, the studio I went to, had detailing just like that." Bella loosely gestured to the drawing in front of them, her finger tracing the charcoal arch.

"Was the studio here in Phoenix?" Theo asked as he moved to the edge of the couch.

"Uh yeah, I used to walk there after school, it was about a block away from my mom's house." Bella stuttered. 

While the other three conversed about what Alice saw, Trixie stood away from them - her eyes flickering around the room as she chewed on her thumb. 

So James was coming here?

Surely that means they need to leave whilst they still can? But, if they leave now, surely they'll have to keep running... at least until either James was killed, or they were.

A hand taking away her thumb brought Trixie from her thoughts. 

"Gather the last of your things, we're leaving."  Theo smiled comfortingly, moving past her, he rubbed her shoulder slightly before slipping out of the hotel room. 


Bella and Trixie were throwing their last few things together when the buzz of Bella's phone caught their attention. 

"Mom, I'm fine, I'll explain everything-" Bella was cut off but the frantic voice of her mother. 

But before Bella could get another word in, there was the sound of a scuffle on the other end of the line. 

"Mom? Mom! Are you there?" The desperation in her voice triggered Trixie to completely stop what she was doing. She felt frozen listening to Bella plead with whoever was on the phone. 

"Just don't hurt her!" Her pleads grew louder. 

Trixie hurried out of the room hoping Alice hadn't left yet, but as she entered the room, Trixie's hope diminished as she walked into the empty space. 

Unable to hear Bella in the other room, Trixie moved to the front door. Knowing that Theo and Alice were only down in the lobby, she thought that if she was quick enough, Trixie could make it to them. That they could help Renée from whatever had happened to her. 

But just as her foot crossed the boundary, Trixie drew back - thoughts of finding Theo and Alice lay forgotten in the back of her mind. 

Watching the door close in front of her, Trixie turned slowly around when she heard shuffling behind her.

Bella entered the room looking panicked, her breaths short and shallow, a pale hand raked through her hair, pulling at the roots. 

"James wants us to go to him." Bella revealed. 

Trixie paused for a moment,  her silence un-nerving Bella, as the Swan girl watched the Rivers girl lean towards the paper and charcoal. 

"He has my mom, Trixie. But he said if we go, then he won't hurt her, please." Bella stepped forward, dark eyes scanning the mute girls actions. 

Trixie scrawled the charcoal along the blank side of the paper, writing as little words as possible: 'We get A & T, they help.'

"No. No, he said we had to go alone, that he'd kill her if anyone but us went to him.. Trixie, he even threatened Emma." Bella sighed. 

Was this utterly, and mind numbingly stupid? Yes it bloody well was. 

But Renée was under threat, and more importantly, so was Emma. 

As much as she knew this was a terrible idea, Trixie wanted to help, it wasn't fair that Renée and Emma were exposed to this world like this. They had to help them, Trixie and Bella had to make it okay. 

Taking in a deep breath, Trixie closed her eyes. 

It'd be okay.

The brunette nodded, before leaning down once more and flipping the paper back to the drawing of the studio. 

Trixie eyed the capitalised letters as she walked backwards towards the door. 

With the soft click  resounding through the hallway, the two girls made their way out the hotel, before flagging down a cab and driving off towards the ballet studio. 

'Find Us:
Mimi's School of Dance.
58th Street and Cactus'


Back in the room, the sound of a phone vibrating sounded loudly until it died out. But after a few moments, the sound began again.  The small screen lighting up continuously with one name: 


[Cue evil laughter that then turns into coughing]
We're nearly there.
- Grey x

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